View Full Version : Trying to think rationally about blood clot

04-01-16, 21:52
I'm obsessing over having a blood clot. Literally the only reason I think I have one is because I simply remembered they exist, not because I had any symptoms to make me research!

I went on a 20 hour journey from Paris to Liverpool before christmas, I didn't think about blood clots so I was fine over the entire christmas period. No symptoms.
Then on the way back I had a slightly shorter journey Liverpool to Paris - 16 hours.
When i got in the other night I remembered about blood clots and the journey I had just been on and freaked out.

If I break it down I spent 5 hours travelling to London via Manchester, moving my legs around as I was trying to sleep on the coach.
Then I had 3 hours waiting in the station intermittently walking around and sitting.
Then I had 2 hours to the channel tunnel, where I had to get out and show my passport. Then I went for a little walk around on the tunnel to stretch my legs.
Then I had 3 hours to Amiens, where I briefly stood up. And then another 2 hours to Paris. So really I wasn't constantly sat down for more than 5 hours. When you're in bed - and then have a lazy day laying afterwards you don't worry about clots, even if that is hours longer.

Since I read about the clots on Dr Google I suddenly was full of symptoms, aching legs and hot skin. My legs are still aching now, the pain is real. But I also woke up with a nasty cold so maybe it's aches to do with that.

I have been on many long drives to France before and never worried about clots as I didn't have HA.

It's just those few - healthy young person drops dead from blood clot after a 4 hour drive with no serious symptoms - articles that send me up the wall and convinced that I am going to die. :( :( :(

Sorry if this is just a load of waffle, I guess it's therapeutic for me to write it down, with at least the chance that someone could read it.

04-01-16, 22:32
I'm sorry to hear about your Health Anxiety troubles.

The pain in your legs is probably due to the fact you are spending most of your time concentrating on them, because you believe you have a blood clot. Try concentrating on your throat for a few minutes, I bet you'll begin to notice sensations that you haven't felt before - it's because you are concentrating solely on that body part alone.

I would say if you are really worried, try and see a doctor, just to put your mind at ease, but sometimes I think it is best to try and get over it yourself.

I'm currently worried I have stomach cancer, so I can't really say "don't worry," because I know how it feels to be convinced there's something wrong with you. But from an objective point of view, I'm pretty sure you don't have a blood clot in your leg, although you would need assessment from a medical professional to be sure.

Hope you feel better soon! :D

04-01-16, 22:40
I'm sorry to hear about your Health Anxiety troubles.

The pain in your legs is probably due to the fact you are spending most of your time concentrating on them, because you believe you have a blood clot. Try concentrating on your throat for a few minutes, I bet you'll begin to notice sensations that you haven't felt before - it's because you are concentrating solely on that body part alone.

I would say if you are really worried, try and see a doctor, just to put your mind at ease, but sometimes I think it is best to try and get over it yourself.

I'm currently worried I have stomach cancer, so I can't really say "don't worry," because I know how it feels to be convinced there's something wrong with you. But from an objective point of view, I'm pretty sure you don't have a blood clot in your leg, although you would need assessment from a medical professional to be sure.

Hope you feel better soon! :D

Thanks :)
I'm actually going to the doctor tomorrow as I'm worried about my ovary pain, but you're totally right, while I've been focused on my legs I've almost forgotten about my ovary pain!

I guess it won't be a wasted trip if I get a little short term reassurance and then ask about my anxiety. Maybe I'll ask about going back on meds, I've been off them for about 4 months but feel myself getting bad again. Jeez I don't want to be on them for life.

04-01-16, 23:36
Just wanted to say I am feeling exactly the same as you right now! I had a long trip three days ago and out of no where thought of dvt and its all I have been able to think about since.

I went to the doctors and she didn't seem too concerned as I am young and only have pain, no swelling etc. but am having an ultrasound later today just to be safe. Hope all goes well with you!

05-01-16, 01:49
This happened to me a few weeks ago. I suddenly started getting a leg cramp in the same spot over and over and was convinced it was a blood clot. I was taking Levaquin (an antibiotic) and I believe that's what caused the feeling. It went away right after my round of antibiotics were finished.

05-01-16, 12:35
Been googling again :'( ugh why do I do this. I've now read that half of blood clots don't show any symptoms until it's a PE. And many stories about all these young healthy people. The risk factors just seem like bullshit now.

06-01-16, 03:05
Google is our worst enemy. You have to try your hardest not to Google. If you must, try to find positive or simply informative things to read. But don't read that negative stuff. It wild drive you crazy.

06-01-16, 07:59
Hi hun, try to put things into perspective, my nan has been bed bound for several years, she can't walk, has dementia and is unable to leave her home. She has carers who come in and hoist her to her chair and then back to bed. She has not had a clot in all of these years.
We also sleep for 8 hours a night without getting up and moving about.
When I was in hospital, only bed bound patients wore the stocking, because I moved about every few hours I didn't have to.

06-01-16, 22:31
Thank you guys <3
I'm feeling a little better. Firstly I went to the gyno about my ovary pain, it's not ovarian cancer, it is an infection! Realising my overreaction to this situation has made me calm down a little about the blood clot. And spending time with my boyfriend I didn't think about it as much so the symptoms were less severe, I'm sure if it was real they would have stayed the same. Although writing that makes me feel like I'm jinxing it, damn HA!

07-01-16, 00:17
I'm struggling a bit with this right now myself. Having some sharp pains in my thigh about midway through it toward the inside of my thigh. They're like quick one second pains and just come about randomly whether I'm active or sitting. Just started today in this particular fashion, but it always worries me because it's just one of those fears I don't deal with well.

07-01-16, 15:49
Someone just posted an article on facebook about a 20 year old playing on video games for 12 hours, he had no underlying health problems and died of a PE from DVT.
When I see things like this I take it as a sign :( like when I thought I had a brain tumour a couple of years ago and I saw stuff about brain tumours on the TV

07-01-16, 19:32
That stuff worries me so much. I keep getting sharp pains in this one spot on my leg and when I press that spot with my hand it's sore. It's not red or swollen but it's making me nervous. And on the same thigh, and I've posted this before, I have a very small bump that feels like it's under the skin. And then I sit here and my chest starts hurting and I'm just like is this really happening to me? What if I keep chalking it up to anxiety all this time and it's really not and its just getting worse? I wish I somehow never knew about clots, PEs and all that. Even just saying the word in my head freaks me out. It's ridiculous.

07-01-16, 20:17
Someone just posted an article on facebook about a 20 year old playing on video games for 12 hours, he had no underlying health problems and died of a PE from DVT.
When I see things like this I take it as a sign :( like when I thought I had a brain tumour a couple of years ago and I saw stuff about brain tumours on the TV

There's a term for this but off the top of my head I can't recall what it is.... Magical thinking I believe? Regardless, it's not a sign nor anything else. I had a dream I hit the lottery, saw a lot of news stories but I didn't win so there ya go! It's going on a week since this fear started. You have no symptoms and the reality is, there aren't any.

I think it's safe to move on :)

Positive thoughts

07-01-16, 20:21
That stuff worries me so much. I keep getting sharp pains in this one spot on my leg and when I press that spot with my hand it's sore. It's not red or swollen but it's making me nervous. And on the same thigh, and I've posted this before, I have a very small bump that feels like it's under the skin. And then I sit here and my chest starts hurting and I'm just like is this really happening to me? What if I keep chalking it up to anxiety all this time and it's really not and its just getting worse? I wish I somehow never knew about clots, PEs and all that. Even just saying the word in my head freaks me out. It's ridiculous.

Stay Strong :( I'm sure we'll both be fine it's just getting through the anxiety. Have you been to the doctor for reassurance?
Mine is a dull ache and mainly on the left side of my left calf. Not red or swollen. I'm trying to put it down to having not exercised over christmas and it's seized up, but can't stop thinking about the long coach journey really scared :(

---------- Post added at 21:21 ---------- Previous post was at 21:19 ----------

There's a term for this but off the top of my head I can't recall what it is.... Magical thinking I believe? Regardless, it's not a sign nor anything else. I had a dream I hit the lottery, saw a lot of news stories but I didn't win so there ya go! It's going on a week since this fear started. You have no symptoms and the reality is, there aren't any.

I think it's safe to move on :)

Positive thoughts

Thank you! I'm guessing the symptoms would get worse quickly if real?

07-01-16, 20:23
My sister had a DVT in her arm. It went from being a bit sore and difficult to lift to massively swollen and red and blue coloured in a few days.

07-01-16, 20:36
Stay Strong :( I'm sure we'll both be fine it's just getting through the anxiety. Have you been to the doctor for reassurance?
Mine is a dull ache and mainly on the left side of my left calf. Not red or swollen. I'm trying to put it down to having not exercised over christmas and it's seized up, but can't stop thinking about the long coach journey really scared :(

I haven't been to the doctor for this. The sharp pains I mentioned started yesterday, so I've only really just started worrying over it. I'm wondering if mine is from suddenly exercising after being on a bit of a break as well. Went from being lazy for awhile to suddenly doing an hour or so of cardio a day. I'd love for it to be a pulled muscle or something innocent like that. I also can't stop thinking about that bump. I've had it for at least a month probably. It doesn't hurt itself and its small, but I can totally tell its there. I'm also wondering if that's ingrown hairs or something because they're pretty common for me, but on the other hand I feel like it would've gone away by now.

I can think of logical things it could be, but the problem is I have a hard time believing it and just start fearing the worst. I just wish it would stop. I feel like I'm at the stage in my anxiety where I'm mostly fine until I feel a pain or something. Then I start worrying.

08-01-16, 00:17
Still freaking out, I can get a doppler on monday but I'm thinking it might be too late by then :(

I can go to a GP tomorrow but thinking they're not specialised enough, damn HA

08-01-16, 00:42
Still freaking out, I can get a doppler on monday but I'm thinking it might be too late by then :(

I can go to a GP tomorrow but thinking they're not specialised enough, damn HA

So am I, honestly. I feel like now my whole body also feels a bit weird. All I can think about is those stories where the guy thinks he's having a really bad panic attack, but gets to the ER and finds out its a PE. I'm just sitting here praying, "Please don't be me, please don't be me." I thought I was getting better and yet I've never been more afraid than I am right now.

08-01-16, 00:50
Still freaking out, I can get a doppler on monday but I'm thinking it might be too late by then :(

I can go to a GP tomorrow but thinking they're not specialised enough, damn HA

Hi there, I don't think I can help, but just wanted to say I am 100% in the same boat as you. I share your fears after a long trip and went to my GP. I couldn't go to work I was so gripped with fear I would drop dead any minute! They sent me for a doppler (not in the UK, so had to pay $$$) and luckily it was negative. Of course as soon as I leave the first thing I do is to google the accuracy of the test etc ... It seems nothing will give peace of mind with HA!

It has been nearly a week now and I am trying to accept that is it the anxiety and obsessing over the sensations causing the pain. Trying not to google the symptoms and just allowing myself to google how anxiety can cause odd sensations has helped a little in accepting that.

Something else that has helped me is to try to think rationally: don't smoke, not overweight, no contraceptive pill, no family history, no swelling, no redness, no heat - realistically it is the anxiety and obsessing over the sensations.

I know that HA doesn't always let you think that way :(

---------- Post added at 00:50 ---------- Previous post was at 00:44 ----------

So am I, honestly. I feel like now my whole body also feels a bit weird. All I can think about is those stories where the guy thinks he's having a really bad panic attack, but gets to the ER and finds out its a PE. I'm just sitting here praying, "Please don't be me, please don't be me." I thought I was getting better and yet I've never been more afraid than I am right now.

I'm also a little worried because three months ago I had a panic attack and went to the hospital convinced it was my heart and they thought it was PE. It was just the anxiety, but my first really bad episode so it shook me up a lot!

Now that my fears have moved from my heart to DVT I am scared I will dismiss any panic as panic, when it might be PE! It's crazy, just try to think that the chances are SO small :'(

08-01-16, 01:24
I'm such a mess :( can't stop staring at and checking my leg. This is the worst feeling in the world, it's depressing me so much that I would be suicidal except I don't want to die which is the whole point!
I know I won't believe anything the doctor says anyway. All I can do is wait to drop dead from a PE :(

---------- Post added at 02:24 ---------- Previous post was at 02:22 ----------

Can you get blood clot pain in the side of your leg?

08-01-16, 02:19
I'm not sure. I wish I never knew about blood clots. Just the fact that they exist gives me anxiety. Like rather than a pulled muscle, I'm assuming that I may have a blood clot. I don't know how I came to that conclusion first, but it's the one that feels more real for some reason. I feel like a simple pulled muscle or whatever it is couldn't cause me all this mess.

08-01-16, 18:51
I went to the doctor today and was glad he took me seriously without any comments like "haha it's PROBABLY your muscles are you're too YOUNG" he examined me, said he wasn't worried but because of the pain he'd book me in for a doppler. I had the doppler and was given the all clear. He refilled my prozac prescription as well. Now it's time to believe him which I am of course due to HA.