View Full Version : Fever & worrying...

04-01-16, 23:00
On December 23rd I noticed that my 2 year-old son felt warm so I took his temp with an ear thermometer and it was close to 100 degrees F so took my temperature out of curiosity to see how the thermometer was registering. I had a temp of about 99.5F which is high for me. My temperature is typically around 97.1F. My son had a temp for about a day and a half with no other symptoms and then it just went away. I never took my temperature again & figured we just had a virus. On Tuesday, December 29th his fever came back in the evening. Again, I took my temperature and I had a temperature of about 99.3F. I took my son to the doctor the next day and they said he had a virus. He got sicker so I took him again on Saturday, January 2nd. This time we found out he had strep throat. He did not have a fever at this time or since. I have had a temperature of around 99.1 since Saturday. I started taking an antibiotic on Saturday night because my throat was sore and I had access to amoxicillin. I went to the doctor this morning and got a prescription for azythromiacin. All together I've take 2 doses of amoxicillin and 2 pills of azythromiacin. I still have a temperature of 99.1F. My throat hasn't hurt since yesterday afternoon. I have tenderness in my left armpit and in what I think is a lymph node in my jaw. I know that I shouldn't immediately think the worst but that's where my mind goes. It doesn't help that my brother was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. He's less than 2 years older than me and I'm scared to death that it will happen to me. So knowing that every time I've checked my temp for the past two weeks I've had a low-grade fever FREAKS me out! I've been having health anxiety symptoms for 2-3 months now. I'm so scared of something happening to one of my kids or to me. It's all I can think about. As soon as I stop worrying about one thing, the next thing pops up. Is this something I should be concerned about? Responses are appreciated!

06-01-16, 00:39
I paid for an Internet consult today with an oncologist :/

He told me:
"it sounds like with your son, you are at increased risks for viral or bacteria pharyngitis infection.

a low grade fever is a sign your immune system is working overtime trying to fight an infection to keep you healthy

you are on antibiotics already so this will help kill any bacterial infection you have.

you should gargle with salt water daily

don't worry about the low grade temps. it means your immune system is working.

cramps in your legs can be due to dehydration and not enough potassium and fluids in your diet or lack of exercise"

I then asked:
"So it seems likely to you that I would have a low grade fever for 13-14 days if around people with cold symptoms and/or strep throat? How long can the fever last?"

And he responded:
"With a baby in the home, there can often be new dural infections or circulating infections which can come and go and cause all sorts of chronic low grade fever symptoms

This is very common with children and babies in the home

Low grade temps mean your immune system is working for you and keeping you healthy."

So is should feel encouraged, right? I know I should be. I just wish the fever would go away :/

06-01-16, 01:11
Curious... how much did it cost for this "internet" oncologist? What he said I would expect from any GP dealing with a general viral infection, especially with all the crud going around this time of year. And yes... you should be reassured.

Positive thoughts

06-01-16, 03:42
It wasn't that much...$38. Almost as cheap as going to the doctor for me and no wait in the germy waiting room with my 2 year-old.