View Full Version : Having a crippling HA day...obsessive thoughts about cancer...

04-01-16, 23:04
Anyone else having a bad HA day?

I returned to work today after a three-week holiday vacation, and I don't know if that's part of why I'm feeling so worked up or not (I don't really enjoy my job at the moment).

I've been having chronic neck/shoulder/throat soreness for about six months and am obsessed with thoughts of cancer at the moment. Neck or throat cancer, specifically. I know I'm obsessing over it, but I literally can't stop checking and fretting today. I spent probably close to an hour at work on my phone with Dr. Google, searching random queries about neck and throat pain.

I even forayed into thoughts of MS or Parkinson's, as I cannot accept that my chronic, one-sided pain could all be the result of muscle/skeletal problems (though that is what my chiropractor thinks, due to poor posture and a job that requires me to be a heavy computer user). The entire right side of my body is in pain, from my eye socket to my toes.

Anyone want to chat, or having a hard time? Perhaps we can help talk one another though it! :weep:


04-01-16, 23:17
I know exactly what you mean. I have days where I nonstop think I have melanoma or a blood clot. Those are my two biggest worries right now. Any mole on my body worries me no matter how normal someone says it looks. I'd rather just not have any. Anytime I have a pain in my leg, I worry the rest of the day.

I just got over fearing stuff related to my head/brain. I just got my wisdom teeth all finally removed after putting it off awhile. I definitely have obsessive periods. Just have to think of all the logical reasons that nothing is wrong. For me it's I'm young, active, and my symptoms never get any worse and I can have times where I don't have any symptoms. It's kinda tough with the melanoma fear though, because I don't need to have any symptoms. Just simply staring too long at a mole will get me all worried and thinking.

04-01-16, 23:31
I am currently suffering with throat and shoulder/neck problems and instead of rationalising them as muscle injury or suchlike, to me it has to be cancer. Throat or possibly lung cancer as Dr Google kindly told me that chronic shoulder pain is a symptom of lung cancer.

I have some good days and some bad days. I obsess constantly so I feel your pain :(