View Full Version : Part of Shoulder blade numb to touch/Weird feeling!

05-01-16, 01:05
Hey guys.

I am hoping you can help, as I am immensely worried about my shoulder/upper left shoulder blade area.

There is a large, circular portion (about the size of a apple) on my shoulder blade that is nearly 100% numb to touch. When I run a nail across it, or even jab it, I can virtually feel nothing - like the sensation of running your nail over a scar, numb.

Also, about a month ago, I did sometimes get this sharp, body-freezing pain that shot through my shoulder blade area when I moved it occasionally which lasted only about a minute or so. I haven't had this in a while, but I am having a sort of constant twitching 'pain' that is not really pain, just a noticeable feeling in my shoulder blade area.

I sometimes have strange shooting pains in one of my left fingers also, if that relates to anything to do with this, but I am not sure.

What could cause this numbness and pain? I am worrying myself silly!

Many thanks

05-01-16, 01:56
Probably a pinched nerve. When I was pregnant, this happened to a section of my ribcage. I would also get lightning shock pains in the same area at times. My baby is now almost 21 months old and the spot is still numb on my ribcage. Doctors have told me not to worry about it.

05-01-16, 12:44
Thank you so much for your reply, it really makes me feel a lot better about it!

I was thinking maybe it was something to do with my nerves. I just wasn't sure about the numbness that went along with it!

Thank you again!
