View Full Version : Long time since I've been here...

05-01-16, 01:45
I haven't been active on these forums for awhile, as I've been trying very hard to keep a handle on things. I've not done too badly, but the counselling this year is very needed.

Posting here as I feel I need some support right now. It is health related and I just feel I need to speak about it with people who understand.

For the last 4 weeks I've felt nauseous, not vomiting but nauseous. I know that nausea is a sign of anxiety and IBS (which I probably have) but I just keep thinking it's something much worse. It doesn't help when I see news stories about people experiencing nausea then having cancer! (I have blocked most news sites from my facebook etc and majority of time don't click on those links, however I still seem to stumble across them in magazines, gen news etc)

I've had diahhrhea also, and stomach cramps. I had a sigmoidoscopy last year which was fine, so am trying to reassure myself that it's likely not bowel cancer. My fears are liver cancer, or pancreatic cancer etc. Of course, it could also be the iron tablets I'm taking, though I would have expected symptoms like this to show as soon as I started taking them, not months down the line.

I have an appt to see GP on thursday, so really just wanting some support so I don't go bananas.

05-01-16, 01:53
I think if you had liver cancer they could see it in bloodwork. Also, my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last year and has NONE of the symptoms you have described. I really think you're fine! The last time my stomach acted up, I went through all the tests and thought I had cancer also but it turned out had I was drinking too much orange juice. I didn't normally drink it but I was trying to be healthy because I was nursing my infant daughter. That was the only thing that changed. All my symptoms went away when I dropped the orange juice. Just try to think hard about what it could be. Have you been eating or drinking anything new? Extra stress?

05-01-16, 02:13
Well, I probably do drink too many energy drinks...

05-01-16, 07:52
Do the symptoms go when you're thinking about other things?

05-01-16, 11:16
I wouldn't know because am always thinking about it 😕

05-01-16, 20:52
Puzzledlass....I've not been here for a while either but recognised your name from ages ago :)

Please try ditching the energy drinks to see if it makes a difference....they are really not good for us. Artificial sweeteners and all that caffeine can easily cause the symptoms you mention....worth a try?

Lin x

06-01-16, 02:58
Yes, definitely give it a try and see if it helps! I couldn't believe my problem was as simple as orange juice. I literally had burning and cramping and a feeling like my stomach was being squeezed and turned inside out.

06-01-16, 06:42
Wow did you have nausea also Lin71? I know OJ is quite acidic, energy drinks are probably the same.

I'm not going cold turkey, because it never works for me but definitely cutting down!

06-01-16, 12:42
Definitely ditch the energy drinks. I bet that's the cause. Or anxiety. Or a bit of both.

06-01-16, 15:05
I think anxiety can cause nausea. Shortly after I first developed anxiety (it'll be my 3 year 'anniversary' in March), I started getting poorly every 5 weeks almost like clockwork. It would start as a wave of nausea then I would become ill and vomit and if I stood up I felt dizzy, it was as though I had a virus but the GP said it could be anxiety. I had the last of it around 7 months after that and it has never come back and I strongly believe it was anxiety even though I never felt anxious the times I was ill. Anxiety is horrible beyond belief. Diarrhea is a very common symptom of anxiety and I've had soft poos (sorry tmi) for over a year now, been told it's anxiety, I asked for a stool test it was normal.

06-01-16, 15:48
I'm not going cold turkey, because it never works for me but definitely cutting down!

Energy drinks are not heroin or crack or psychotropics that you have to wean off of... It really is as simple as just not buying them. Switch to water and see what happens. I agree that all the added caffeine and the ph of the product may be the culprit. Certainly worth a try :)

Positive thoughts

07-01-16, 03:30
I've "quit" energy drinks before and I tell ya, you get so many withdrawal symptoms! It feels like you are coming off a drug, since caffeine is a drug and all.

I've cut down to two a day, when before was having 4 (twice reccomended daily intake). Am having more water too.