View Full Version : Throat clicking

05-01-16, 08:55
Hi all I have had constant throat clearing for about 8 weeks but I'm pretty sure it's anxiety. However sometimes I get a clicking on the left hand side at the top above my Adam's apple when I swallow. It seems worse in the morning and I'm wondering does anyone suffer this. Could this be tense muscles etc as I have now become obsessed with my swallowing. It seems to happen when I do a hard swallow. I can still swallow fine but just wondering is this a side effect of stress and anxiety ? I may add it isn't all the time

05-01-16, 10:20
Hi Dave

I am not a 100% sure I understand what you are talking about but I do know that when my HA is bad it makes my symptons 100 times worse.

in November I had glandular fever.. I prodded and prodded at every flaming gland in and around my face and neck and sure enough they gotr bigger and hurt 10x more! I also started clenching my teeth a whole lot more than normal and that certainly gave me muscle ache and I felt like my jaw was clicking loads.

Im pretty sure that our HA can exaggerate all our worrys

hope you feel better soon

05-01-16, 11:33
here ya go ;)

Globus pharyngis (also known as globus sensation, globus or, somewhat outdatedly, globus hystericus, commonly referred to as having a "lump in one's throat"), is the persistent sensation of having phlegm (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phlegm), a pill or some other sort of obstruction in the throat (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Throat) when there is none. Swallowing can be performed normally, so it is not a true case of dysphagia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dysphagia), but it can become quite irritating. One may also feel mild chest pain or even severe pain with a clicking sensation when swallowing