View Full Version : My boyfriend caused me to have a panic attack!

05-01-16, 09:24
I have OCD Health Anxiety, but I look for reassurance instead of shying away from it (pay for private treatment, visit GP frequently, etc). At the moment, I have got bad unexplainable back pain which I am going to my GP for. At the moment, I have breast cancer on the brain but the pain in my breast has subsided a bit. Anyway, this morning, my boyfriend asked me how I was feeling and I said well I have back pain so on and so forth. About five minutes later, he says "sorry but all of the symptoms you are describing shows pancreatic cancer according to Google", and immediately my body started sweating, my head pounding and my back went into spasms and I started shaking. He asked am I OK (of course I am not!) I went to the bathroom, sat on the toilet and burst out crying and shaking like an earthquake. Now that is on my mind and now I am so, so scared to see a doctor in case that is the diagnosis :weep: how could he do this!? I don't think he knows to what extent how bad my anxiety is. I cannot calm down and I have lost my appetite and the will to live.

05-01-16, 12:41
Hello :)

Your boyfriend is not a doctor. To be honest, anyone without health anxiety would be shook up at him saying that.
I have unexplainable back pain too - I am currently waiting for an abdomen ultrasound on my kidneys, and an appointment for the gynecologist.
What are your symptoms? And, I am assuming you are 23/24?

05-01-16, 16:13
Hello :)

Your boyfriend is not a doctor. To be honest, anyone without health anxiety would be shook up at him saying that.
I have unexplainable back pain too - I am currently waiting for an abdomen ultrasound on my kidneys, and an appointment for the gynecologist.
What are your symptoms? And, I am assuming you are 23/24?
It has made me feel very poorly. I have been getting diarrhoea as well now as a result of the anxiety attack I have just had. My symptoms are mainly L upper back pain between the shoulder blades, radiates through my armpits and down my arm sometimes and sometimes it makes my L breast heavy and sore as well. How comes you have to have an ultrasound? I have had gynaecological issues rectified for an ectopic pregnancy two years ago, and tubal patency that was about two months ago. They kind of questioned me and asked if I had polycystic ovaries while they was scanning my ovaries and I said not that I know of, and nothing was saif since. Yes, I am 23 :)

05-01-16, 18:09
Cos my back pain is lower back, and my urine was tested and had lotsa white blood cells in, but no infection :(

You are young - you will be fine. I get the runs too when I'm nervous. Yours sounds very much like anxiety, not what your boyfriend said x

05-01-16, 22:50
It's probably not unexplainable back pain since you're probably straining every muscle in your body just to breathe. When I get chest pains, I massage my pectorals and it goes away. Or it could be a pinched nerve, I just saw the thing about the radiating and the heaviness.