View Full Version : Anxiety so bad - please help

05-01-16, 09:53
My anxiety hasn't been this bad for two years. I feel I can't breathe and I cough sometimes too and all I can think about is some horrible lung disease as the cause.
I really need some reassurance. I had an array of blood tests six weeks ago and they were all fine, my doctor listened to my lungs and said they sound clear. I also have an oximetry finger gadget that says my blood oxygen levels are 98-99%. Should this be enough to convince me that my lungs are healthy?

After experiencing anxiety for over 18 years, I still can't believe it can cause such misery. Hope to hear from someone.


05-01-16, 10:06
sebinkent - anxiety: this awful illness we endure which creates these dreadful feelings is a bu**er. You have had a lot of reassurances that physically your lungs are in good health. I have a brother with COPD and his oximetry measures are a LOT lower than the figures you are receiving - this alone should be enough to reassure you. However, our brain chemistry just won't let us believe that things are okay - better than okay in fact, it keeps tricking us into believing that something awful is going to happen.

That feeling of not being able to breathe - horrible isn't it ? Have you tried belly breathing ? Have a look on youtube - there are a number of videos about how to practice belly breathing, and it does help - I know from my own experience.

I guess from your name that you are in Kent (as am I). It's been horribly wet, grey, and gloomy here hasn't it ? It doesn't help us when we are feeling so miserable. Being stuck indoors with nothing but our thoughts and anxieties often makes things worse.

Have you been on any meds for your anxiety ?

05-01-16, 10:16
Thanks Sandie - really appreciate your reply. I have tried valium but it just made me sleepy. I want to avoid medications if possible. I know, all too well how anxiety can make people feel and breathing difficulties have always been a prominent symptom for me. It's so depressing. I'm sure I'm over-breathing because of fear.
Being at home with my own thoughts doesn't do me any favours but I just don't feel like doing anything when I'm like this..
Thanks again for your help.

05-01-16, 10:31
Where in Kent are you sebinkent ?

05-01-16, 10:48
I grew up in Kent but I'm now in Wiltshire. I do come back to Kent regularly though. Westerham area.

05-01-16, 10:53
I know Westerham reasonably well; I am in between Ashford and Kent, but due to be moving to a village outside of Canterbury this year. We bought a house - a renovation project, and we have had lots of problems with the project.... it was this which tipped me over the edge and into anxiety.

We also lived in the south west (Devon) for some time. I did the journey from Devon to Kent regularly - the dreaded A303 !

05-01-16, 11:07
Have sent you a private message..

05-01-16, 12:05
Wow this sounds like me a few weeks ago... Firstly, hide that oxymeter.... I used to do the same thing all the time.... Repetitive checking... and then got obsessed with my FitBit heart rate fitness monitor...obsessively checking.... you kinda need to stop yourself in your tracks and weigh up the rationals... you've had clear bloods only a matter of weeks ago... you had your lungs listen to by a trained medical professional... Everything is working in your favour... I had horrible chest heaviness and pain and feeling like I don't have enough oxegen... I had an ECG last week... Fully clear and lungs also clear... Anxiety can take control of you entirely... I started Lexapor 3 weeks ago.... I'm no doctor but would you consider going on a SSRI for a while?

05-01-16, 15:13
SSRI don't work for everyone...they worked in my case, so maybe worth a try