View Full Version : No appetite.. anxiety?

05-01-16, 13:06
I've had anxiety for a while now, and health anxiety more recently.

I've been worrying about having lymphoma, stomach and oesophageal cancer recently. I went to the doctors who prescribed me Fluoxetine and referred me for talking therapy. He understood my concerns and so gave me a quick examination (temperature etc). He also checked the lymph nodes in my neck and under my chin, and got me to lay down so he could check my stomach. He pushed on my stomach five or six times, and then said he didn't think there was anything seriously wrong with me.

The problem I have though is that, recently, I haven't felt like eating. Like AT ALL. I'll eat now and again but nothing substantial, and I'm scared that it could be due to something significant. I don't have any other major symptoms apart from indigestion, can this happen with anxiety? Is lack of appetite one of the main components of anxiety? And if so what do I do to make myself more hungry? Oh, I'm 17 by the way..

Thanks for any replies :)

05-01-16, 15:11
Lack of appetite is so common with anxiety...at my worst it was a struggle to force myself to eat and still lost like 7-8 kg (15-16lbs).

07-01-16, 21:14
It's one of the first symptoms I get. It's so bad that can't eat for days. My gag reflex kicks in to keep me from swallowing.

07-01-16, 23:27
I'm exactly the same. I made me and a friend a lovely dinner this evening and i just couldn't eat it. I could have cried.

Sending hugs :hugs: