View Full Version : triggered by watching someone else?

05-01-16, 15:23
anyone ever get triggered in to a panic attack from watching someone else have one?

i do for sure, and i always found it weird- i mean for other things it may work, but panic attacks... i'm not sure. just seems odd because what have you got to panic about?

i mean if you suffer from depression say and 1 of your griggers is talk about death, and someone talks about it, you're going to feel depressed and be triggered by it

but if someone has a panic attack, what is it that triggers you to feel you're about to have 1 too.

just my random observation of the day.. and it probably made no sense

05-01-16, 15:37
maybe beacause you know how a panic attack feels,therefore watching a person go through what you know feels like could bring on your own anxiety and worry about having a panic attack,my sister gets like this around me,and she doesn't have panic attacks,she says it makes her anxious and fearful,of what she doesn't know,it just makes her feel horrible and a dreaded feeling