View Full Version : Petrified I have throat cancer

05-01-16, 15:53
Hi everyone not looking for reassurance as I no your not Docters more looking for support. I had a bacterial throat infection one side about 6 weeks ago anti biotics cleared it up. Recently not everyday but (more so when I focus on it ) this same side is somewhat sore. I look in my th oat almost daily because I'm obsessed health anxiety for you and it's a little red. Sometimes I wake with a sore throat And as the day progresses it gets better. Any ideas what this could be ? Thanks for reading

05-01-16, 16:40
waking up with a sore throat could be reflux?

Reflux could be cause by anxiety...

05-01-16, 17:51
Any ideas what this could be?

Remnants from your infection and possibly breathing through your mouth/snoring during the night... Dries the heck out of your throat. It happens all the time to my wife and she doesn't have an infection.

Positive thoughts

05-01-16, 18:00
Thanks I can't help but obsess it's the big c