View Full Version : Constant gas, has me worried.(TMI)

05-01-16, 16:06
So I've been dealing with a mind numbing amount of gas for the past 3 months. I went from being alright to constant gas every day. An example would be large amount of gas that needs to come out every 3-5 mins if not sooner. I mean a lot. I also ended up going through a bout of constipation that lasted me a week.

My intestines have been all over the place on what they are doing but this constant gas thing is becoming a problem. Now I didn't worry until I was at the doctor and they had an advertisement screen. It was the whole "stop smoking" ad, and the woman said she quit smoking, then one day she got constant gas. Supposedly the doctors told her that she has colorectal Cancer because of smoking. She lived, but now she has a colostemy bag.

Guess what I thought after I saw that ad? "What the f**k..." I've been to the Gastroenterologist about two times now in the past 3 months. They said I'm probably just not eating right, and should change my diet. Well I did and still do, no help. I went back and they said, "take some gas x pills", still no relief after a month. Now I'm to the point where it wakes me up, it's there on an empty stomach, and the volume of gas increases as the days go by.

I'm asking peoples thoughts on the subject. Such as other causes, or some kind of relation. I am worried, but I don't want to fly off the handle.

05-01-16, 16:57
The average person poots between a cup and half gallon of noxious fumes per day which, from what I've read is about 14 times or so a day. Some people much more, some people less. It's caused by undigested food mostly and diet as well as bowel habits play a big role in this.

I don't know about you but I always find farts funny :) I even bought a "Pooter (http://thepooter.com/)" (watch the videos...they're hysterical!!). It's a squeeze thingie that emulates a fart beautifully. Lots of fun in public places (if you can keep a straight face). If you're interested here's a fact page (http://www.heptune.com/farts.html) on farts that's rather interesting.

Being that your doctors are not expressing any concern, I would follow their lead.

Positive thoughts