View Full Version : Sleep and tiredness. How do i improve?

05-01-16, 17:05
Hi guys,

I'm still finding myself in a constant anxiety state no matter what i do and for the time being until i next see my doctor and the IAPT service, I've just come to accept it. However, there are 2 things in particular that affect me and have affected me for a few years now. Tiredness and headaches.

The tiredness is by far the worst symptom i have out of everything. I seem to sleep enough hours, but don't seem to be getting any restful sleep and entering that deep restorative stage. As soon as i wake up in the morning, i look and feel tired and this lasts all day. I yawn constantly and i have bags under my eyes which isn't a great look for a 25 year old! Last night, i experienced a falling sensation just as i was about to sleep which made me jump and woke me up. I googled it and it seems a lot of people experience this. I've been put on sleeping tablets, relaxation tapes, blood tests, sleep apnea tests, everything and i still can't get that deep sleep.

I find it very hard to stay still during the day. I've constantly got to be shaking my leg, biting my nails, changing position, it's like i have an inner restlessness that means i have to keep moving and i can't relax. I don't know if this could be happening in my sleep and therefore resulting in me not sleeping properly. How on earth do i resolve this though? I'm so tired and i just want to look and feel refreshed!

05-01-16, 19:28
You know, what helps me a lot and a lot of people is exercise. Find something you enjoy- long walks, running, weight lifting, football or kicking a ball around outside, whatever it is, you'll find it actually calms you and you'll naturally feel tired AND relaxed rather than worn out from stress.
Best of luck :)