View Full Version : Worried about throat symptoms

05-01-16, 19:48
I do suffer from HA issues but have been ok for a few years until a few months after having little girl in July. I got diagnosed with a Bartholin gland cyst in September (which has now almost disappeared into nothing) and a prolapse in November. This has set off a massive period of worrying for me, big HA kick offs!

Now with the throat issues.

Since the second week in December, I have been wakening with a really dry throat (I am exclusively breastfeeding, so could be a bit dehydrated). I had been going through a period of worrying about the prolapse, so started developing a lot of anxiety and tension. I started having an issue where I felt I needed to swallow excessively plus I started burping a lot (both seemed to increase when I thought about it). I have had the swallowing thing during an anxious period before and it went away. The burping thing is new though. Apart from a touch of acid reflux when pregnant, I've never suffered from heartburn. I also get the burping without the burning feeling or chest pain. A few days before Christmas, I got a bit of a sore throat which I put down to irritation or a virus. I got the doctor to check my throat which he did with a torch and he said it was fine.

Now, a week and a half later, I would say my symptoms come and go. The burping thing has definitely reduced but is still off and on. The swallowing thing can be not so bad on some days but worse on others (a bit like post nasal drip). The tender feeling at the back of my throat has returned a bit today as I have been swallowing a lot (and stupidly read a website on throat cancer which set off my anxiety big style). The dry throat is there a lot though. I'm trying hard to relax, saying that anxiety could be causing the symptoms but it's hard. Some come and go (definitely getting milder) but others , like the dry throat keep coming back.

What could be causing this? I'm 38 , don't drink or smoke and am not obese or overweight. I think I've just worried myself by reading on the internet. I've made a Dr appointment for next Monday but worry that the Dr will think I'm just a hypochondriac wasting their time.

Thanks in advance for your help. Xxx

05-01-16, 20:03
Hi poppy I'm having similar issues at the moment and it's awful but it does sound like classic anxiety symptoms especially the dry mouth it's very hard to relax and not think about it distraction helps as does this site google does not help! I'm sure it's nothing sinister just keep going and it will pass x

05-01-16, 21:37
Here's the thing. Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

All that you're describing are totally indicative of anxiety, especially in light of symptoms waning when not thinking about them. As far as cause? Other than the stress and tension physiologically associated with anxiety that can cause it, breathing through your mouth/snoring can cause you to wake up with a dryness and irritate the lining on your throat. It's also pretty dry this time of year. Try a humidifier at night.

Positive thoughts

05-01-16, 21:45
Thanks for replying Fishnapa. Yes, I need to stop Google news and worrying which make things worse. I was wondering if I had some kind of acid reflux causing the burping.

05-01-16, 21:50
Hey Poppy....swallowing will cause the burping. You're swallowing little bits of air each time you swallow even if you don't realise it :)

Lin x

10-01-16, 19:19
My HA regarding this issue has skyrocketed big style. Since Wednesday morning I have felt off my food and felt like I was having to force it down. There was no pain or obstruction when swallowing, just felt like I was very conscious of swallowing. I also had a bit of heartburn and acid reflux last night. I am taking Zantac and Gaviscon. Since Wednesday I have got myself into a state of nearly nervous breakdown, convinced I have oesophageal cancer or Barrett's oesophagus. I seem to have quite a few of the symptoms (although they do match up with other things such as GERD). I have seen the doctor on Wednesday, went to Gdocs on Saturday and even took myself up to A and E on Friday asking for an endoscopy. They refused, I suppose I can't blame them. I have basically lost it and my body has gone into a high state of anxiety, I have barely eaten or slept in days. My heart races every time I try to sleep. I am so worried that no one is listening to me. I am going to my Drs tomorrow to ask to be referred privately for an endoscopy. I am worried that they will just fob me off again. I am also going to ask about anti-anxiety medication. I feel like I'm losing it, I'm so frightened.

11-01-16, 19:27
Poppy - read my last post. You'll see a lot of similarities. I don't think you have anything to worry about but the best way to find out and set your mind at rest is to visit an ENT specialist.

I went to a private one in the UK. It cost £500 but only took a couple of days from booking. I just found one on the internet and made an appointment. I didn't go through my GP - i'm still waiting for the NHS letter to arrive weeks later to arrange an NHS appointment.

Given the frenzy I had worked myself up into I needed that appointment and for me it was well worth the money. My mind is now at rest and I know it is not cancer.It was the only way to stop the worrying.

Your symptoms sound similar to mine. I hope and am sure it will be ok.#The key thing here for you and me is not to get into this situation next time. I can't afford private treatment every time. That is why we need to stop looking up symptoms and trust medical professionals.

Good luck, hope you are ok