View Full Version : Health anxiety ruining my life

05-01-16, 20:43
I have not been able to stop worrying about every imaginable disease (from majority of cancers to cardiac arrest) for the past 3 years. I'm 17 yrs old and i'm convinced I will die of a cardiac arrest or have some kind of cancer every day from the moment I wake up. The thoughts and fears never leave and it's come to the point where i'm afraid of sleeping or going anywhere and it's affecting my school performance and relationships. The symptoms range from aches to palptations and I just feel like I can't take it anymore. I worry about everything and everyone and I know i'm being pathetic but I feel like I can't go on like this. Does this sound like health anxiety? What should I do?
Thank you for listening.

06-01-16, 22:21

Yes, it sounds exactly like health anxiety to me. Mine takes on a very obsessive quality sometimes, almost like OCD I literally can't stop rehearsing the thoughts in my mind, can't stop researching symptoms, can't stop checking my body or taking note of symptoms. Often, a symptom check is the very first thought entering my brain upon waking and that makes me really sad sometimes.

So I definitely know where you are coming from and you're not alone - I actually think you are doing a great job in trying to learn more about this for yourself because I have suffered to some degree since I was about 12, but it took me a very long time (and finally a good doctor) to understand that I had an anxiety disorder and that this is something other people go through as well.

Do you have a close family member or someone else you can talk to about it? Perhaps they can put you in touch with a doctor or therapist who is sensitive to those with HA issues. There are a lot of great posts here about coping strategies and things you can do for yourself.

Wishing you the best and please feel free to private message me if you'd like to chat further!

06-01-16, 22:24
You're definitely not alone. Every time I get this sharp pain in my leg, I can't ignore it and all I think about for the next 20 minutes is a blood clot even though it makes zero sense for me to have one. I'm moving all the time and I'm so young (21) that it shouldn't even be on my radar of risks. Yet it goes on and on. I've been worrying about this for months. The symptoms never get worse. Once you realize that, it'll kinda kick in that you don't have to worry so much. It's really tough though, no doubt.

07-01-16, 00:24
Thank you both so much, it's great to know im not alone. My mother doesn't understand and gets angry with me when I tell her. I just wish it would stop. One fear goes, another one comes and its not just health - it's everything from sexuality to the end of the world (doesn't make sense i know). I tried to ask my doctor for referral but he just said "get over it" so here I am. Thank you once again I wish you all the best!

07-01-16, 00:30
I'm not sure at all how it works for you, but I didn't even get a referral to go talk to someone. I just asked for one through my health insurance. To be honest though, while it has helped a bit, I think this forum has helped a lot more. It's comforting to know there are so many people here that can tell you they have the exact same problem and that you don't have to worry about it. I bounce between health fears all the time, but for sure the major two I can't let go of are cancer and blood clots. And my god do I wish I could somehow have lived life without ever having heard of either of them, because every day there is a different reason I feel like I have something. But I'm very glad to have helped someone else, even just a little!

07-01-16, 01:04
Mine are cardiac arrest and cancer :( The fear just eats you up. And when people say "worrying will make it happen" I get worried about worrying. You did help a lot, I can go to sleep knowing I am not going insane. Thank you.

07-01-16, 01:33
I know it isn't easy and no doctor should just tell you to get on with it,you need help to overcome your fears,your only 17 years old,the chances of you having either of the things your ruining your life over at your age is practically zero.it really saddens me,it takes me back to my wasted life,i was 17 in 1976 married and expecting my first baby,(i have had anxiety and panic attacks from the age of 5)my pregnancy was ruined ,all because I watched a drama on tv,thats where I first found out about blood clots,im 57 now I went on to have 5 more children,but that blood clot kept nagging at me,it was rather funny after I had my second baby,i(not at the time though) was feeling the same remembering that drama on tv,i was sat on the hospital bed,i had my son on my knee just hours old my husband sat next to me and all of a sudden I jumped up really thought I couldn't breath,left the baby on the bed ran out screaming in the corridor,(god knows what people thought of me)lol I ran to a nurse and said im dying,she sat me down and said my oh my your pulse is racing whatevers the matter,i said well I got this feeling I couldn't breath as if I could smell burning,i think I have a blood clot,she said oh you silly thing,we just burnt the toast the midwives on break are having toast,well imagine me going back to my bed,lolololol.so you see from a simple tv programme,that led to that episode in the maternity ward 5 years later,and its the same principle for whatever it is you fear,somthing has triggered your thoughts.or made you fixate on a illness,i had four more children each time I remembered but thought no im not going there this time I refuse to,i was ok before and I will be now. I really do hope you can find a way to clear your mind of the fears you have,try to think like this ive gone an hour and nothing bads happened ive wasted that hour worrying,then again after another hour,remind yourself nothings happened, in the end you will become less anxious,keep being afraid will not make it better for you accept the fear,its not nice I know, I still get panic attacks I know its really hard,but when you stay afraid of the fear you are fueling it yourself,do something you enjoy it can be anything to distract you from those thoughts you don't like,adrenaline gets released when you are afraid,which is normal,but adrenaline is for keeping you alive,if there is any dangers,your thoughts are not dangerous to you at all,but they are ruining your life,lose the fear accept it,wait for time to pass,remember lots and lots of people are just the same, in truth most people are worried and scared at times in their lives,you can get better from health anxiety and panic attacks ,some people never get them again some have setbacks,but you know its your own thoughts doing this to you,lose the fear of the thoughts,tell them your not bothered anymore your not impressed with them,you be amazed at training your thoughts in a different direction does work,i wish all you young ones the very best,and everyone struggling with health anxiety/panic attacks/etc etc etc hugs linda

07-01-16, 05:07
Girlie18, I felt so sorry for you when I read this post. You're so young and it's such a shame that you have this terrible illness - because that's what it is! You don't have cancer or a heart problem but you do have a mental health condition. The good news is that it can be treated. That means you're NOT going to die!

You asked what you should do:

Step 1 - change your GP if you can. It's clear that you are anxious and it's just plain wrong to fob you off and not to offer you treatment. If you can't do this, make another appointment, go and see him/her, tell him what the real problem is and ask about your treatment options. Write it down if you find it hard to verbalise. Make sure you accept any offered, ie medication/counselling or CBT. Don't feel embarrassed that you need it. Better this than living like you are at the moment.

Step 2 - I would try again to discuss this with your parents or another trusted adult or even a sympathetic friend. Pretty sure that school will have some kind of welfare person for you to talk to who can direct you to some proper support. Again, write it all down if you fibnd it hard to say face to face.

Step 3 - Coming on here will help you see that there are lots of people who have the same as you will get understanding, support and advice from like-minded people. But don't just rely on this at the expense of the other options above.

Step 4 - Do some research - on health anxiety, not your physical symptoms. It will help you to understand why this is happening

Step 5 - Look after yourself - distract yourself by keeping yourself busy with things, you enjoy - excercise, socialising, good food, hobbies, pampering - whatever you can manage but ANYTHING that takes your mind off what is going on.

I hope all this helps. Let us know how you go on lovely

Take care :bighug1:

07-01-16, 07:39
Where abouts in UK are you hun, there are self referrals for talking therapies in place in most areas so you can skip the GP.
I fully agree with the knowledge thing, use reliable sources and read all you can about anxiety / health anxiety and OCD. I say OCD because health anxiety has traights of OCD as it is obsessive.
The more you understand, the less you fear it. Know fight or flight theory so you're prepared when you get those adrenaline feelings, if you can tell yourself it's anxiety the less scary it becomes.

07-01-16, 07:54
Thank you everyone. I'm near Plymouth. I will tell my
Mum again and this time make her listen because I want to atleast try to get help and maybe get a new GP to refer me. Once again, thank you so much for the support and kind, encouraging advice - it really means the world to me :)

07-01-16, 08:10
Don't know if this your area, show your mum this, also show her information on health anxiety and how it affects you. Xxx