View Full Version : Panic attacks and exercise

05-01-16, 22:02
Hi I like to bring up the issue of panic attacks and exercise everytime I do some sort of exercise I focus on my breathing too much and get short of breath and start hyperventilating I've put weight on I've never been 16 stone before and I wanna get back in shape but panic attacks stop me every time anybody else have this problem and got any advice???

05-01-16, 22:15

I don't really have any advice, would just like to say this happens to me too, even just walking up a flight of stairs sometimes makes me panic has my breathing gets faster, been told to just tell myself it's healthy to make your heart pump but the feelings you get are just the same as a panic attack which is scary - also would love to overcome this :)

05-01-16, 22:25
It's horrible isn't angels I hate it just want to live my life normal again before this stuff started happening 4 years ago I'm on paroxetiene I cut down to half a few week back without telling doctors had bad withdrawals but got over it now I'm pretty bad doctors just wanna throw tablets at me I don't wanna be on tablets rest of my life need therapy or cbt or some kind miss being able to go. Gym jog etc it's such a horrible thing people don't understand

05-01-16, 23:29
It is awful and people who haven't experienced anxiety just do not understand, there's a guy across road from me who goes running every morning, when I see him come past all out of breath but the difference is he doesn't freak out he won't think anything of it, but with us the attention turns back to panic which of course makes all the symptoms worse.... I think exercise anxiety is very hard to overcome as you need to tell yourself that your body is doing its just job when you exercise, doesn't make it any easier though :weep:

I think you do need to be on medication to ease the anxiety whilst you work on it, l would go back to your GP and ask to be referred for CBT or one on one therapy you do get the option, just tell the GP you really want help and support to handle your anxiety.

05-01-16, 23:37
Yeah there is just so many obstacles to overcome they seem never ending hopefully a switch will just turn on n it will go very unlikely though I will ask my doctor for that option thank you didn't know it was available they just threw tablets at me there should be gyms for people that suffer with anxiety and anxiety only that would be good

05-01-16, 23:51
Angels ...you are bang on the money... I walk a lot, and experience the panic brought on by exercise (am I having a heart attack?, why am I breathless? etc)...then someone older than me jogs by without a care in the world, and I am wondering why I cannot do that :|