View Full Version : SEVERE ANXIETY. I'm lost. I want to cry in someone's arms. I just need someone...

06-01-16, 04:18
Hello..I'm 16. I suffer from GAD. I'm a hypochondriac. And also depression. I was emitted to a psychiatric hospital before. I kinda wish I was back there so they can help me more again. Anyways. I guess I should start with these weird feelings around my body. Itchiness. Pings and pangs in my head. Mouth dryness. Twitching. Etc etc. I took lorazepam today and now my arms and legs feel so weak and heavy and I feel so tired. I'm scared. I never felt THIS way before when I take it. I didn't take it with alcohol either. Are these minor side effects? I do feel pretty relaxed. I won't like. But my arms and legs feel like they are attached to sand bags. Is this mu anxiety? How can I know for sure. I'm 16. I'm young. Why do I feel all these weird body symptoms? So many middle aged people in my family including my mom don't treat their body good. They smoke and drink. But me. A healthy boy? Feeling like he's gonna pass out every day? What's wring with Me...help.. If you want to talk more, kik me @Neon_artist I just need help...

06-01-16, 05:01
.magnesium could help with twitching, and possibly other anxiety too if you haven't already tried magnesium. Glycinate is a good form. benzodiazepines are muscle relaxants, maybe there's some initial feeling kinda like the feeling like your falling just when you're about to fall asleep is actually just a weird reaction to all of your muscles relaxing at the same time. I imagine that if certain muscles aren't tensed then you would become very aware of how heavy your limbs really are, if you try to pick up someone's arm or leg you realize that they're actually pretty heavy.

06-01-16, 05:22
Maybe you should speak with your parents, a school counselor or a trusted adult. Show them this thread. You seem quite distressed and an internet forum can only offer words. Based on the history you've revealed and your age, real life intervention may be more beneficial and offer immediate help.

Hope you feel better

Positive thoughts