View Full Version : starting to worry about brain tumor

06-01-16, 06:22
Hi guys I'm starting to worry about a brain tumor or something sinister. I caught a cold days before Thanksgiving it was mainly chest related and I had some nasal drainage. The chest part cleared up then I started getting headaches or pains in my face and neck. I started getting tinnitis and dizziness but I'm not sure if it's from anxiety. I went to my ENT he took an xray told me I have a sinus infection prescribed me steroids and a z pack. Took those pain got worse so he prescribed me more antibiotics and told me if it doesn't get better he's going to do a CT scan. Im on my last day of them and my nose isn't stuffy I have posted nasal drip tinnitis when I lay down to sleep and my face and neck hurt. I also have dizzy spells and constantly tired. Sorry for the long story but my question is does this even sound like a sinus infection I've ever had them before but I usually have nasty thick mucus coming out of my nose and it doesn't last a month and a half and has anyone had a sinus ct before ?

06-01-16, 12:32
That sounds like the "crud" both my wife and I had since the week before Christmas. Fortunately, it didn't turn into an infection but it sure felt like one for a while. We're still dealing with the after effects. We've been practically living off cold meds for three weeks. I just think this one of the nasties going around and you just have to ride it out.

Positive thoughts

06-01-16, 17:52
I'm hoping so it makes sense considering it all started after I had that bug. It just sucks because I start feeling anxious about it and that just intensifies all the symptoms lol. Ty for responding

07-01-16, 12:00
It certainly sounds like a sinus infection and as others have said, there is a lot going around at the moment however, I know that all the symptoms your describing are also anxiety symptoms so it's a tricky one really. Is it possible you did have a sinus infection and got worried about your symptoms and this is what's keeping them going? Also, I know these type of infections can have lasting side effects so it could just be that to......
I have had the tumour worry myself at times and it's horrible but you don't seem to be displaying the symptoms of one, although you'd presume that a tumour would present itself in symptoms relating to the head and surrounding areas actually that's usually not the case at all according to the many doctors I've seen about this particular worry. Hope you feel better soon!

07-01-16, 19:38
Ty it makes me feel better hearing something rational, because I tend to get a bit irrational when my anxiety is up. I'm going to see an eye doctor tomorrow so hopefully he will tell me something reassuring lol.

08-01-16, 17:04
Just got back from the eye doctor. He said everything looks good vision is 20/20 and no signs of intracranial pressure phew thank God lol. Thank you guys for the positive/rational words of wisdom it really helped. Now to find me a good therapist and try to conquer this beast.