View Full Version : Burning/itchy hands and feet

06-01-16, 08:30
I've had to pluck up courage to post on here again as just checked my history and saw that I posted lots in 2015, so it was obviously a prolific health anxiety year for me. :blush:. The last few months have been particularly bad.

I feel such a fool for having yet more worrying symptoms but wanted to ask if anyone had ever experienced burning/itchy hands and feet? I've noticed it for the past month or so. I don't even know if it is a symptom of anything nasty- although I have vague recollection of some connection with liver/kidney issues.

I had a full blood test just over a year ago and all was fine so am trying to console myself with this. Obviously I daren't Google

Can anyone offer any reassurance?

21-03-16, 12:33
I have dermititus on my hands that give a similar feeling and when I began going to the doctors they asked if it was on my feet too. Try going to the doctor you might have eczema or a fungal infection that they can give you a cream for. Is it accompanied by a rash of any kind?

21-03-16, 14:31
Hi I've had this on and off for a few weeks and my dr said it could be anxiety or a virus as I've had a cold too. It's worth just seeing your dr for a chat but mine said these things usually sort themselves out in a week or 2