View Full Version : how do you trust docs?!

06-01-16, 08:42
im so desperate iv had another relapse
i started getting bad pains in my thigh last week went to urgent care they did blood test to rule out dvt
i got weak over weekend slept alot then yetserday started getting chest pain been getting tingling down arm and leg i went to hospital they did ecg and blood tests and they said all my blood is showing is virus but i have no temp cough or anything
IM CONVINCED they are missing something or just putting it down to aniexty
i feel awful dizzy breathless arm pain chest pain uhear stories on news about people seeing docs then dying nobody in my family listen to me anymore i feel so alone

06-01-16, 09:00
uhear stories on news about people seeing docs then dying nobody in my family listen to me anymore i feel so alone

You hear stories because it's so rare.

You live in a rich country with great health care. Try not to worry. :)

Why does no one in your family listen to you anymore?

06-01-16, 09:01
Not trusting what the doctor/tests say is a common symptom of HA. It's one I have managed to more or less overcome - mainly for the sake of my sanity. I just decided that, being as they have years of training/experience and are in that profession because they want to help people, they are more likely to be right than wrong.

I have not seen many stories in the news about misdiagnosis - these are usually in women's magazines (usually the trashy ones) and are grossly sensationalised. Notice how they don't tell stories about the millions of success stories when people are cured or when people went to the doctor worried but came out reassured? Of course not because they wouldn't sell many magazines otherwise.

The fact is that you have some kind of virus that is causing your symptoms and have had medical tests that prove this. So be happy, take care of yourself and try not to worry :hugs:

06-01-16, 09:53
I know how you feel i find it extremely hard to trust drs. Iv had a lump on my chest now three years. It has grown some and im convinced its a sarcoma. Iv seen numerous drs had ultrasounds nothing abnormal has been found to note. Iv asjed for removal or biopsy they wont do. Im at the end of my tether now its awful its all i think about

06-01-16, 10:55
thank you for your replys its nice to know others out there feel same
i want to believe what they say i used to come out feeling reasured and happy now i come out thinking but what if this what if that today my heart feels like its not beating proply im dizzy and weak im trying not to think because it makes me panic more and i know the doc yesterday said it really rare for someone to be misdiagnosed if you take into account amount of people they see . its the first time iv seen a doc that really understood she used to suffer from health aniexty and actually got teary when i was explaining how scared i was i told her i was worried she would miss something she said the ecg would show something or the bloods and she listened to heart and lungs i just woke up petrified i was going to be one of them rare cases and im feeling worse as morning goes on i take propananol for palpatations but it isnt working which is freaking me out im only panicky about sudden death ... sudden cardiac arrest p.e stuff like that iv had more ecgs in my life then i can remember i do suffer from svt but it doesnt cause problems too often i cant see my gp because it has just changed and the new one doesnt get aniexty at all he is really nasty about it :(

06-01-16, 12:53
I hear a lot of this on the boards. Doctors are human too. There are good doctors and not so good doctors. While medical doctors may not be as practiced as mental health professionals in dealing with mental illness, they know their stuff physically.

That being said, the key in my opinion is trust and confidence with the doctor(s) you deal with. In my situation, having dealt with life threatening illnesses, I'm 100% confident in the team of doctors that treat me. From my GP to my cardiologist and oncology team, I know they have my best interests in mind.

It's also having trust in scientific medical tests. Blood doesn't lie nor do x rays, scans etc. The people interpreting the results do so every day, all day. They know what their doing.

Positive thoughts

06-01-16, 13:06
thank you very much for your reply
it does make alot of sense
i guess my aniexty wants me to think they all wrong and im going to die but like you say blood tests dont lie and neither does other tests its just so hard when you feel so poorly and your head screaming at you your in danger x

06-01-16, 13:14
its just so hard when you feel so poorly and your head screaming at you your in danger x

That's just it. You nailed it! Your head is telling you this. While you can't tell a real physical ailment to F off, you can tell your brain to ;) Whether it listens is another story but just having that option is empowering. It's how I deal with negative thoughts. I tell them to GTFO and read something positive to kick the thoughts to the curb :)

Positive thoughts

06-01-16, 13:23
Go to a doctor who will take you seriously. I go to the same GP everytime I go and I trust them (literally) with my life. They do not look down on me even when I've mentioned something more than a handful of times, they do not simply 'humour' me, but take my worries seriously even if they are ludicrous. Due to this I trust my GP. Although I do have the same worry come back occasionally, in general once I've had reassurance for one thing, that's it out of my head, usually permanently. I do sometimes still worry but I know GP mistakes are rare no matter what the media will have you believe.

06-01-16, 13:46
Keekee is right. With HA you definitely don't feel like you can trust anybody. Not even yourself. My doc I have been with for about 15 years now has always been right about me. She's literally never been wrong about what I have. For the past 12 years I've had huge anxiety. She knew it right away. But recently when I came in telling her all of my symptoms and I was freaking out she did some tests and told me to chill out. It's anxiety. I didn't believe her for once. How can this all be so PHYSICAL! She knew the kind of anxiety I had and knew that just her telling me I was fine wasn't going to ease my mind. So she let me do some imaging tests but when she allowed it she always left the last sentence as (I will order this so you can have an ease of mind). So far she's been right about EVERYTHING. Today I have an appointment with her and I think I'm finally going to follow through with what she suggests I need to do. Should have done this 6 months ago when it all started.

But I do have what you are saying, Tiredofthis. I have had the dizziness, lightheadedness, the back of my head felt heavy to where I felt like I needed to have it propped up in my hand or lay it on my shoulder, my face would somewhat go numb. Felt like I had a cervicle or brain tumor. Scary stuff. But trust in your doctor. If you don't trust them now and allow them to help you you'll never get through this easier. If you want we can compare notes to what I have already done and what all of your symptoms are. Maybe it will help ease your mind.

07-01-16, 08:48
thank you so much for your replies it has helped me so much!
i reallya preciate you taking the time to respond
fishmanpa i will try and do as you say tell them where to go and then think of something positive
kee kee thats my problem i dont have a good relationship with my gp their answer to dealing with my aniexty is to dose me up on diazepam until the meltdown passes and i just cant do that anymore i have two small children and being on strogn sedatives takes away time from my kids i am now looking into changing to a new gp
adam e thank you very much that is lovely of u .. alot of my symptoms chest related tbh iv had this four years and iv had probly most things 'wrong with me# my biggest ones are heart attacks which is what im worried about today i get heavy left arm pain jaw pain chest pain back pain im 25 so i logically know the likliehood of me having a heart attack is low but doesnt stop the worry
i worry about heart conditions i do have svt but nothing else has ever shown
dvt is a huge one as i was misdiagnosed a clot on my lung and literally told i was going to die ..thats what caused my aniexty to begin with

07-01-16, 17:58
I've had the jaw pain , left arm and hands go tingly, but I haven't had chest pain. But I do get chest pressure. Feels like something is literally sitting on my chest. Around the time that's happening it also feels like I have something in my throat not allowing me to swallow easily.

07-01-16, 18:00
can deff relate to the throat thing iv had that tongiht iv got bad palpatations :( iv had soooo many ecgs i know logically it would of picked something up but i still panic everytime!

07-01-16, 18:28
What I have been doing lately is going back to my previous tests for reassurance. I know it's hard and you want to know the tests of TODAY but have to try to learn to accept your symptoms as being non-life threatening. I've went through the ringer myself but coming from someone who just spent a billion dollars on tests and found out I'm perfect (Minus Vitamin D deficiency) I'm learning to accept so it's not such a burden on me.

Have you had any of those tests done for vitamins? They can cause a ton of issues too. My Vitamin D was at 15. That's pretty low. Could have caused a lot of the symptoms I have.

07-01-16, 21:16
oh no i dont think i have i was considering a multi vitamin as alot of people say good things about them with aniexty
thank u so much for taking the time to talk i dont have very many supportive people around me at the moment and january a tough month for me anyone i ever lost died in january so it sort of cursed to me!
tonight i feel like i cant breathe and my pulse high! stupidly i have a sats monitor and my oxygen low :/ so im thinking arghh clot on lung lol

i should look at previous tests and think right at that time i had this symptom and that test came back fine but i dont it feels like everytime a new threat i can normally cope to a degree i carry out my day but at the moment im a wreck from minute i wake to minute i sleep