View Full Version : how do i know my dr is right

06-01-16, 09:58
So iv been off here for a while i was doing ok until someone close recently passed. Iv had a lump on my chest wall now nearly three years. Seen numerous gps had ultrssounds nothing has been found to note. Everytime i mention sarcoma to dr they just say its not that. How do they know? Sarcomas can take years to grow slowly it has increased in size slightly . My family has had enough of me im at end of my tether worrying its all i think about.

06-01-16, 14:34
First of all, I think it's bad that your family has had enough of you, they should respect that you have a mental health problem.. So stay strong.

Secondly, you should trust your doctor because they are trained medically. You may have googled symptoms or researched sarcoma, but ultimately a doctors job is to protect his patients from harm. You've had ultrasounds before and nothing sinister has shown up, so that again reinforces his diagnosis that you do not have a sarcoma.

The mind can do crazy things. The doctor probably knows because he has treated sarcomas before, perhaps there are telltale symptoms and signs that you don't have that he knows about. If you could diagnose someone or yourself just by googling then there would be no need for doctors would there?

Try to reassure yourself that you've had doctors look at it, and they have told you it isn't sarcoma.

Stay strong.

06-01-16, 16:19
how do i know my dr is right

Seen numerous gps had ultrssounds nothing has been found to note.

Blood, ultrasounds, x rays etc. don't lie. Anxiety does.

Positive thoughts

06-01-16, 20:25
Because they know what they're looking for. The chances of several doctors and ultrasounds and being wrong is ridiculously small. Almost not worth thinking about.

07-01-16, 08:11
Thanks for replys. My family have been supportive but its got to the point now iv been going on about same thing for 3 years. The lump has grown but no dr will remove or biopsy because nothing shown on ultrasound. I worry ultrasound may be missing because of where it is or because its a cm big. I hate thinkin its cancer every day