View Full Version : mir/ lumber punch

23-02-07, 14:26
hello all

i got a call from the hospitale saying that they have space for me to have a mir scan on my head has any one had one of theses? how long dose it tack? how much of ya body gose in to it? i am so scared i am also closaphibic, they siad they will give me sadtion but i am so scared there looking for blood clots in my head, if they dont find any blood clots then i have to have a lumber punch to see how much prsure is in my head any information about a lunber punch will be helfull how long dose it tack? dose it hurt?, i am so so scared plases help if you can. thanks

i have just rang my gp to see if i can get something to clam me down stil waiting to hear from him!

so so scared i have to go in on tuesday 28th

thanks amanda . xx

23-02-07, 14:53

There are loads of posts on here about MRI scans. Use the search tool at the top and have a quick look - it may calm you down and explain what will happen during the process.

23-02-07, 15:42

I have had an head MRI and lumber puncture.

If you would like some info then PM me, I will try my best to answer all questions?
