View Full Version : Need some reassurance.

06-01-16, 13:05
Since being convinced I had Melanoma over the Christmas period (I never) I am becoming increasingly anxious about my health yet again. For a few weeks now I have been experiencing flickering vision and it's really getting me down. I had an eye test in April and all was fine but that doesn't stop me worrying. I'm terrified of a brain tumour or MS, ALS.
I also have what I was told was probably neuropathy in my leg which hasn't bothered me since I got reassurance and was told it wasn't unusual, but I've recently noticed it's the whole left side of my body. I feel no pain, it's just less sensitive to hot, cold and scratching than my right side and it's freaking me out. I was only at the GP last week and like to wait at least 5 weeks between appointments but I can't feel this way for another 4 weeks!
I am beginning to wonder whether I should book in for another eye test. Anyone experienced anything similar?

08-01-16, 19:11
Has anyone had flickering vision feeling? My partner has said a couple of times that he too has noticed the lights flickering and earlier on another relative mentioned it but there are many times I've mentioned flickering lights when mg partner has said he never noticed. Is it possible I am just noticing it more due to me being anxious? It feels like every light though even on buses. Its driving me crazy I'm sick to death of worrying about one thing or another. Could this be 'normal'? If I can take my mind off it I don't notice it as often but I'm scared it's a brain tumour. I also get a pressure type feeling in my face mostly around my eyes and upper nose but sometimes in my forehead or very top of head.

08-01-16, 19:40
Hey hun! Sorry to hear you have been feeling this way. I have also diagnosed myself with ALS a few years back because I was having neuropathy symptoms in my legs and also disturbed vision... Which completely went away when I went on holiday! Strange eh! I think it is all down to anxiety itself. To be honest, even I get sick of hearing "its your anxiety" because it is not easy to believe! I get pressure in my head and face due to sinus and congestion problem :( perhaps that is why you are feeling like that? I think with brain tumours, the symptoms are very severe and there constantly. I promise you are fine! Relax, do some puzzles, have a hot bath, go holiday or somewhere for the weekend! Again, I know it is easier said than done... I have got myself wordsearch and crossword books just so I do not have the temptation to Google my symptoms or focus on this 'pain' I am having at the moment.

Take care and if you've anymore issues, feel free to PM me or quote me on here :)

08-01-16, 19:49
Thank you so much for responding. The flickering is definitely more noticeable when I think about it, but it is there everyday and my left sided 'numbness' (it's not actually numb just less sensitive) is constant and has been for at least 8 months in my leg and around 6 weeks the rest of my left side, but I have a suspicion it may have been the whole left side to begin with and I just didn't notice. Can sinuses also affect the top of the head? I never knew that, I always get a blocked right nostril when I lie down too which I once read could be sinus related so I guess that would make sense.
I have a sudoku book that I should really rake out. I made the mistake of googling last month when I was convinced I had Melanoma and it destroyed my Christmas I couldn't even eat my Christmas dinner and I am a serial comfort eater usually. This is hell, my partner and child are also suffering due to me not being able to 'be there'. I tried medication and will never go back for reasons I won't go into and cbt never worked for me either. I am now awaiting CAT therapy and am hopeful that will get me somewhere. Thank you so much for replying.