View Full Version : Setraline

Linda 10
06-01-16, 15:15
I have been on setraline coming up to 4weeks some day I wake up and think it is working and other days like to day I think it's not do you think 4 weeks is still early days any advice please. Linda 10

Anxious Pete
06-01-16, 15:20
It is early, takes 8 weeks at least to take affect. I know because I started in March on 50mg. Was really struggling for weeks.

It goes out your system quicker.

06-01-16, 15:36
any SSRI i have tried have always taken at least 5-6 weeks to show any improvement or reduction of side effects, one took over 8. Everyone is different though. Hopefully you should note an improvement within next few weeks

Linda 10
06-01-16, 16:43
Thank you so much for giving me reassurance will keep going my sick note runs out 21 jan think I will have to get another one but do hope I can return to work soon xxx thanks alot

06-01-16, 17:21
Stick with it Linda, I've been on it 4 years now

06-01-16, 18:46
I agree with all the others, it took me over 9 weeks to get relief but you need to stick with it. I felt like giving up many times thinking the medication was not working but one day you will feel so much better so keep that chin up and try not to worry about work. I know that's easier said than done but accept the way things are and ride with it if you can. I have been switched to imipramine after relapsing after 2.5 years after stopping taking medication thinking I was all better and I am going through exactly the same as you now and its tough.


Linda 10
06-01-16, 19:34
Thanks a lot rich hope u don't have to wait to long for relief. Xx

07-01-16, 05:41
With most SSRI's the first month is really it filling the space with more Serotonin and then after around a month is reduces the amount your brain wastes by plugging holes in the receptor sites so less can pass through, a bit like how limescale plugs up the holes in a shower head for example.

So, it's important to hand on until you are out of the side effects period for as a start and then to see how it is really working.

I found Citalopram side effects lasted for about a month but it was 2-3 months before I started feeling better.

07-01-16, 12:53
Yes I have just done some research and full benefit of ssri's isn't felt for 12 weeks at least. That doesn't mean to say that you can't feel better earlier. I think people should be given this info by doctors. My doctor told me I would feel better in 2 weeks!