View Full Version : Panicked at desk

Anxious Pete
06-01-16, 15:18
Hi guys, 48 y/o dude here, was off 50mg zoloft for a few days over New Year and took one yesterday but I got some real anxiety panic symptoms when leaving work last night. Today I feel on edge. Visions of ambulances and medics pumping my chest. I mostly fear the embarrassment if I had a panic attack. Was handed my notice yesterday, which doesn't help, 3 years 9 months and cheerio. Cheer me up somebody, please. :scared15:

06-01-16, 15:34
What do you call a bee who's having a bad hair day? A Frizzbee!

Ok.....that might not have cheered you up but I did try! I think it's pretty understandable you're feeling anxious after losing your job. When I'm having a panic attack I find breathing exercises help, deep abdominal breaths that fool your body into thinking it's calm. Exercise burns off the adrenaline that's associated with panic attacks too so don't underestimate the power of a brisk walk, it might feel like the last thing you want to do but it will help.

Hope you feel better soon.

Anxious Pete
06-01-16, 16:07
Thanks for your joke and post! I'd forgotten about breathing techniques, they do help. Will be walking home shortly also.. I'm out the door on the 3rd Feb with their crappy "enhanced settlement" if I take it.:frown:

06-01-16, 19:54

I thought the joke was funny too here is my son's joke he made up about three years ago - why did the penguin cross the road? It was too cold for a chicken.

On a more serious note, I am sorry to hear about your job having gone through this in 2009 when my husband lost his job I know what a trying time it can be but there are positives. It took my husband around 16 months to get another job but in that time he spent quality time with our boys, it made me leave a job I wasn't truly happy in hence why he could spend time off work, and what we hadn't realised was that his job made our household so stressful once we were over the initial shock we became a stress free house, we had struggles but we coped and managed.

What I am trying to say is losing a job is stressful but you can survive it, look at it as an opportunity to change careers or move forwards. Make use of cv writing courses and get yourself a killer cv and you will be back in employment soon. I wish you all the best with it.
