View Full Version : Sick with anxiety before tests

06-01-16, 15:26
I have had chronic nausea for some weeks now. Some days no symptoms other days really bad. See previous post. Docs didn't seem overly concerned, but I have finally seen a consultant who has arranged an ultrasound and an endoscopy - ultrasound tomorrow, endoscopy with biopsy on Friday. Of course the nausea has now become unbearable I can hardly get out of bed. Is it anxiety alone as to what the results of those tests might be (convinced I have cancer) that is causing this? I am terrified.

06-01-16, 15:43
I posted about this on another thread. Many times when one chases a diagnosis, they get exactly what they're asking for. You didn't take your GPs word and pursued another doctor who ordered the additional tests you've wanted all along. Now, your anxiety is in overdrive because you think these tests mean there's something serious going on when in reality, the doctor is doing his job and covering his bases.

Now, the added stress is exasperating your anxiety symptoms. In light of all the previous tests and exams coming back fine, I would lean toward a benign issue/anxiety. Let us know how you get along!

Positive thoughts

09-01-16, 11:56
As people on here tend not to bother to report on things once their issue has been resolved I thought I'd say that my endoscopy didn't reveal anything alarming and that my ultrasound showed I had gallstones which aren't causing any pain but might well be the cause of the nausea. I'm seeing a gallbladder surgeon in a couple of weeks to discuss removing it (as we don't seem to need our gallbladders!) before it gets any more troublesome.
That said, my nausea of course now affects me much less (although it hasn't gone away entirely!), so a good deal of it must have been caused by health anxiety. :D