View Full Version : So you know the Mole guidelines?

06-01-16, 16:33
How you need to go to the GP if the mole changes, gets bigger, is asymmetrical, rough borders etc?

Well is that same for Pink moles?

I know there are two types of cancer, the melanoma and the other one which isn't as dangerous.

I have some pink moles and I just wondered if the same guidelines of things to look out for applies to pink moles?

I didn't want to google.

I worked yesterday in a skin cancer clinic (didn't realise that the clinic I was working in was a skin cancer clinic until I got there) and it set me off a little. I should have asked the Dr who I was working with really.

06-01-16, 19:49
Hi Hypo

They key thing is to look for changes. Whether they are pink or brown, look for the ABDCE signs.

You say you have 'some' pink moles...if they are all the same/similar and you've had them a long time and they haven't changed, chances are everything's fine. If any of the ABCDE's apply, get them checked out :)