View Full Version : Does everyone let themselves go a bit when you are having an HA attack?

06-01-16, 19:09
I have noticed that when my HA has relapsed, I let myself go immensely. I stop attending to university, stop showering, stop eating and stay in bed till gone 2 in the afternoon which makes me feel lazy, dirty and pathetic excuse of a human being. :lac:

I have had private blood tests taken for FBC, cancer marker and FSH levels (trying for a baby). I did it private because my doctor refused to give me a blood test and I will get results quicker. Does anybody else feels that way? I just feel lifeless :(

06-01-16, 19:14

I suffer from GAD and depression - so not specifically HA - but yes, I too let myself go when anxious and particularly when depressed.

I have no drive at all, don't shower or wash my hair, stay in my PJ's all day and feel so tired that I am in bed most of the day. Like you say, just really lifeless.

I think this is normal for anxiety/depression, etc. Our world kind of slows to a halt as our heads are a mess. xxx

06-01-16, 19:44
I used to do this but now I do the opposite.
If you're going through a bad patch, one of the best things you can do, in my opinion, is to keep your normal routine going as far as possible even if it's the last thing you feel like doing. Get up early, get showered, do your hair, go to work....by keeping things normal on the outside it really does help to keep things normal on the inside :) it gives you other things to concentrate on and think about and there is a certain comfort to everyday routine if you're feeling anxious.

I can probably only say this because I'm going through a good patch right now and I hope it doesn't sound patronising but it really worked for me. Boring routine is good when you feel like everything around you is falling apart.

06-01-16, 21:06
I don't really suffer from HA, i'm more GAD, but I do. I've let myself go right now, not been bathing, my hair needs cutting, havent been shaving, been drinking too much and not been working or doing chores. Tonight was the first night i've done the washing up, prepared dinner and done other chores.

06-01-16, 21:13
Sometimes my gym schedule will falter but not too badly - most of the time working out makes me feel better!

06-01-16, 21:43
That happened to me for awhile, but I noticed I was feeling even worse. After months of going on like that, worrying about my health all day every day, I slowly started to change my routine. I go talk to someone at least once a month, I go to the gym frequently, and try to keep myself thinking. I used to frequent this site a lot more. I still come on when something is bothering me, like right now, but I used to just have it up at all times.

06-01-16, 22:00
I'm curious - if you force yourself to do something does it help you feel better?

06-01-16, 22:25
for me part, Urusainaa, sometimes. depends what it is. positive things like cooking and cleaning yes.

06-01-16, 23:15
I know exactly what you mean! I shut down when I'm having a serious HA attack. Others can be worked through, but a serious attack puts me in a bad bad state. I don't eat, shower or anything!!

07-01-16, 07:50
I'm the opposite (health anxiety sufferer), water calms me so during an attack I'm in the shower / bath upto four times a day.
I agree, just washing my hair or putting make up on can help me feel better.

07-01-16, 10:35
I enter a frozen state when my HA is bad. I want to stay in bed or just lie on the sofa watching tv. I also notice I stop showering, put on the clothes I took off the night before & generally withdraw from everyone. I have found that if I really force myself to have a shower ,do my hair & make up that I feel slightly better. Also if i push myself to do something as simple as a bit of hoovering or clearing a cupboard it helps. The trouble is that even though I know this its the hardest thing to do. I feel weak & shaky when in amongst HA.I have a friend who said to me " don't think just do " & I know she is right. We have to try. :)

07-01-16, 20:49
Yes! Can deffo relate to this. I have completely let myself go during this most recent period of worry....greasy hair, no make up, tracksuit, staying in pjs all day etc etc. My poor husband!!

07-01-16, 20:59
I found the same thing happens with depression. I just had no motivation to do much of anything. I still went to work and functioned Ok but in my spare time, I slept or just was a couch potato and didn't go out and do the things I enjoyed doing (fishing, hiking, camping etc.).

My ex suffered from severe depression and was much like many have stated. She would let her hygiene go as well as the everything else including the kids. I would work all day, come home and have to take care of everything including her. Those memories are not pleasant at all :(

Positive thoughts