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06-01-16, 21:09
Moderate anxiety and depression was the outcome of today's assessment. Not too sure how I am feeling at the moment but glad that I am going to be getting some support with it soon. Hopefully on the road to recovery.

06-01-16, 21:59
Congrats :)

07-01-16, 21:25
Thanks. I am starting on antidepressants tomorrow and I've got a few appointments booked at the doctors over the next few weeks. The doctor was ever so good- very supportive and reassuring. I burst into tears during the day many times and it all got too much at the doctors but nothing was too much trouble for him. Today made such a difference to the other day when I spoke to a very rude woman- mental health services should make you feel valued not have a go at you when your going through a tough time. I've got to have a esg but hoping the chest pains is just another one of my symptoms. I've got a week off work next week which should help and hoping to get back on track soon.I am actually feeling more positive to say I was in tears again today and work was a big reason towards how low I was feeling. Onwards and upwards.

07-01-16, 22:01
I was where you are 2 months ago (but with high anxiety/panic and depression). Doc was great. I feel much better now than I did then.

I wish you the best!

08-01-16, 08:20
Thanks. Did you get sharp pains in your chest ? I guess it's our bodies way of dealing with the stress and it can be really bad. I am glad you are a lot better now then you were.

10-01-16, 10:06
I didn't get chest pains now....I did physical shake though.

10-01-16, 10:54
I've got muscle ache all around my ribs and sometimes around my back, neck and legs. It can be agony at times and pain killers badly knock it. I keep getting stabbing pains in my chest and sudden sharp pains going down my side.