View Full Version : New to site

06-01-16, 21:57
Hi to all,
Just found this site on Google while searching about lip twitching and trying to find a reason for it and was linked back here. Really wish I would have found you all long ago when my anxieties and depression started. But glad still that I have found you all. Hoping to make friends and solutions. Okay a little about why I am here and my problem I am dealing with.

I started with mental issues very young but didn't bother me near what it does now. When I turned 40 it just came down on me like a brick wall. First I dealt with heart palpitations then 'panic attaches' . Family or friends would find me laying on my back on either the floor or bed with my knees up and breathing fast into my hands. I was placed on xanax type pills that made me feel high which I hate. So I decided to take some time and figure things out so I grabbed books from the Library which didn't get far.
Big tech brother put me a computer together so I could learn that thing and began searching more widely. Found some forums that helped on the palpitations . I started taking the magnesium like they said and wow yay hardly any and I stayed on them for 2 long years.
They did great but found I wasn't taking the right kind. So changed to the right kind. Because I have reflux and the newer on is better on my tummy. Well in 2012 I ended up in a mental hospital from crying so much not stop for a month and couldn't handle it anymore. No it wasn't due to magnesium just stupid hormones . Life changes as they call it.
Well when I finally was released and went home I still dealt with the crying. They thought I was Bipolar and placed me on Lithium which broke me out. I began to go to a Psychiatrist and he removed me off the lythium and told me I was NOT Bipolar. He told me I have PTSD. I said to him I thought that was something men or women get because of war trauma. Nope.... Anyone can . I have serious issue from childhood until now that I dealt with that has caused this to happen. I have been a strong woman most of my life until now. I am threw menopause and now dealing with my brain issues? For real? Our bodies are so mean and the brain is the worst enemy, I feel. So they placed me on meds that my body would become ammune to. So now I just take the magnesium still from time to time when my heart kicks up a little. Taught myself breathing method to help get threw some hard moments so I don't end up at the ER.
I still use my xanax as well from time to time. Not every day. I hate taking medications. It is a phobia. I also asked my mental doctor if I was a Hypocondrac (sp) he said no not at all. Well now besides my own body stress now my daughter being 18 just loves to cause more stress than my body can tolerate. I started off right before Christmas my left jaw began to hurt so bad. I found myself grating my teeth from stress. Daughter always gone and husband working all the time with me home alone there at Christmas. I kept a heating pad on my jaw and took OTC pain relievers while crying so bad from the pain.
No one here with me. No money To go to the dentist or a doctor. I felt like just being done with it all . But my beliefs don't allow that to stick in my mind long. So, just dealt with it and cryied .finaaly I was able to go to the dentist and be seen. To only find out 'ohh you have bone loss and an infection in a fractured molar which we need to remove but not until you deal with the infection first. So here are some more pills for you to take. Until then have a great Christmas.......' So went home and took the antibiotics which got the infections under control. But soon after I raked my back yard and twisted my knee which caused a sprain. Well that was easy. I dealt with that.
But then my lip started up a sore on my bottoms lip! OOOOMG!! Not at Christmas time! Had to go to brother's home to spend it there. Okay now remember I have PTSD which has caused me to not leave my home but go out back in my yard. I can be around others because it causes me to get over excited and well that causes me to shut down and cry on the floor. So xanax time? Yes I hated having to take it when around family and at Christmas time. But had to. Hey I did well all but felt emabarassed because of my lip sore. They all said it was understandable with all that was going on. Meaning son is in Michigan ,daughter spending Christmas with friends than with family ,my mental problems on top of it. Then knowing most of the people I have recently lost were in the beginning of the year that was coming. Lost mother 2004 Jan 1 st,brother at the end of January 3 years ago,best friend 3 days later,Aunt the very next year at that very same time I lost brother,and then Uncle not long after.....
Well now that Christmas time is over then I dealt with begin her at home alone once again. Daughter again off with her boyfriend and friends on new years eve. Worrying about her drinking or whatnot and then no one here to celebrate with cause once again husband is working once again like every year. The hard time of the year. Right when my mother past away. I cryed so hard that night. Then the next morning I woke with my upper lip twitching still but even worse than before like on Christmas day. And nowhere I am still lip twitching .
No money to go to a doctor of anykind. This lip thing is. Causing my stress to kick up a little. Looked everywhere tofindoutwhy or a way to stop it. Nothing is helping. Yes I know stress can cause it. But I am taking my magnesium which helps in keeping that over all calm feeling. And also taking xanax. I take once one day and the other the next. Thinking it might help the nerve in my lip calm down a little but nopes. And that about it. That is what I am dealing with and what I take and my age and mental illness. I will add these things in my bio as well but just wanted to just put this up first.
Thanks for accepting me in. I will be here for others swell if needed. Ohh
Happy New Year everyone.

06-01-16, 22:02
Hiya TexSpirit and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

Sam Winter
07-01-16, 03:04
hey and :welcome:to the site!
i was like you when i first joined, i was disappointed i didn't find it sooner haha,
i'm so sorry about everything you've had to go through :hugs:but i hope you find this the forums useful, and if you need any help or need to talk i'm frequently around x

07-01-16, 05:48
Thank you both. And thanks Sam Winter. ^.^ might take you up on that one day. I don't have many friends . I will probably be on here a lot as well. Hard to talk to anyone when agoraphobia is always keeping me inside. Been praying for me back. I herd about something called Holy Basil. Might try and get some. Has a lot of potential. Anyways thanks .:bighug1:

07-01-16, 11:23
Welcome and Happy New Year. Peoples personal experiences can definitely help.

Sam Winter
07-01-16, 12:58
no problem! i know what its like i don't many friends either and i'm constantly stuck in so i find other things to fill my time x