View Full Version : Whats the Difference between Anxiety and Panic Attacks?

23-02-07, 16:29

I am a new visitor to the site as a result of searching the web for information regarding anxiety. I am worried that a trend is occuring and it is certainly affecting my life.

I was working in as stressful job until Christmas when I quit due to suffering a great deal of anxiety and stress that occured as a result of ongoing confrontations with my boss, problems with projects and regularly travelling the width and length of the country.

The 1st attack occured the day after watching a football match in Copenhagen in Nov 06 where I became v.anxious, my heart rate increased and I nearly passed out, I was convinced I was having a heart attack. The same happened 2 weeks later just before I was going to bed. On this occassion I was shaking uncontrolably to an extent that my girlfriend called an ambulance, ECG's were carried out and subsequent blood tests suggested that all was well.

These are the two most severe experiences. However, I have suffered from anxiety requlary as when lying in bed, this usually involves waking up abruptly.

My thoughts at the time of the smaller attacks are always similar and seem to oocur when I'm relaxing and thinking about nothing in particular. I often think back to the Copenhagen incident convinced I'm gonna die or have brain haemorige or something rediculous. It must also be noted that the day or two after a drinking session I feel really on edge.

Is this the start of anxiety or panic attacks or the misuse of beer? the doctor suggested it was stress from work but I'm still in the dark!

Please Help