View Full Version : My mum has to get a hip replacement.. I'm worried?

07-01-16, 01:46
My mum just told me she has to get a hip replacement and I'm scared. I haven't googled anything and I don't want to cause I'll probably just find terrible stories. Does anyone here have any experience or know anything about hip replacement surgeries? Are they major or minor with big or small risks? Thanks

07-01-16, 05:21
I've assisted with some hip surgeries. It's a major orthopedic surgury, but it does that have many risks other than surgery in general. It's going to be painful but once it heals your mother will be pain free. Don't worry just make sure she does her research on the surgeons and hospital that she is going to.

07-01-16, 05:26
Hi Masonn,

I'm no medical expert but would say that although a hip operation is big and very uncomfortable, it's extremely common with 0000's carried out each day. I've not heard of any major risks associated with it, but I just looked at the NHS website which says the risk of serious complication (all surgery carries some degree of risk) is considered to be low at less than 1 in 100 people.

The complications include things like one leg ending up longer than the other or wearing out and needing replacement- not pleasant but not life threatening either.

I know two people who have had it - both in their 70's and one who has other health problems. Both came through it very well - although one walks with a bit of a limp - you've guessed it - he has one leg SLIGHTLY longer than the other now!:doh: My daughter is an ODP (a sort of theatre nurse) and she assists at ops like these all the time.

The thing is, the surgeon will have discussed all this with your Mum and she will know the risks and I imagine will be very happy to have it so she can improve her mobility and be out of pain. Why not focus your attention on what you can do to support her after the op? It's better than wearing yourself out worrying about something that's highly unlikely to happen.

Take care - and pass on my best wishes to your Mum and tell her to get well soon! :hugs:

07-01-16, 05:32
My mum just told me she has to get a hip replacement and I'm scared. I haven't googled anything and I don't want to cause I'll probably just find terrible stories. Does anyone here have any experience or know anything about hip replacement surgeries? Are they major or minor with big or small risks? Thanks

I had one replaced at age 59 and apart from the awful pain the morning after all was good.
Coupla weeks on crutches and then back to normal.
It is WAY better than the pain I had before the op.

07-01-16, 10:02
Thanks for the replies guys. I guess I couldn't get out of it pain free but at least my mum isn't at some fatal risks :) I hope it isn't too painful for her, but her hip right now is giving her pain as it is. She's only 53 too. Thanks!

07-01-16, 10:58
My Mum had one done too - it made a world of difference to her. As has been pointed out, it is major surgery - but it's also practically routine nowadays :)