View Full Version : Full blown panic re: deer

07-01-16, 02:12
I was driving and was getting anxious about it feeling stuffy. So even though it's very cold out, I opened the passenger side window. After a bit I could smell what smelled like a fire, so I put the window back up. Mere seconds later, the car in front of me swerved to avoid a dead deer. I followed suit, and as I did, I could see in the headlights a ton of deer hair and who knows what flying through the air. The deer must have been hit extremely recently.

My fear is that this got into the car when the window was open, carrying with it God know what kind of diseases. Did I inhale it? Is it on my clothes? Am I going to get recontaminated every time I get in there?

07-01-16, 05:57
Well the more recent the deer was hit, the less likely there to be an issue of contamination I reckon as it has not decayed. It could easily have been a perfectly health deer hit by a car.

I think it's very very unlikely anything could result from this and I do know that contamination is a bit issue for you so it's bound to be a big trigger. The sensible thing to do would be not worry about anything unless you noticed symptoms of feeling unwell and then follow up on it. I know it is far from that with anxiety and so the reality will be you will need to work on reducing the anxiety/panic it has caused so you can move past it.

07-01-16, 13:10
Consider the fact that millions of people around the world hunt deer and they've been doing so since the dawn of mankind. They skin and gut them, eat their meat etc., many without gloves and you never hear of anything sinister. Being that this was apparently a fresh kill, is that any different? It was just a car that did the killing as opposed to a bullet or arrow.

Positive thoughts