View Full Version : symptom of high anxiety or am I going nuts ?

07-01-16, 04:13
Hi my names Allison I'm a 31 year old women . This is my first time posting a little about myself I have suffered from gad and ocd mainly about health thinking I've got major illnesses this has been a big issue since I was 15 I also have panic attacks . My new main issue I'm having trouble with is I have this mind chatter in my head the only way I can describe this is it sounds like indistinct chattering inside my head like its a high school cafeteria I can't make out any of it so I don't see this as hearing voices its just annoying chatter . I have had the exactly the same thing happen on and off for 8 years it normally goes away cause I don't pay attention to it but this time I'm concentrating on it and I'm very overwhelmed that I'm becoming phycotic or schizophrenic . Has anyone else experienced this from there anxiety or ocd its sending me mad thinking I'm mad and its all I can think about all day and night this has been going on for 6 weeks .I'll also mention i no this is a product of my mind its in my head not a external sound please help I'm really stressed and terrified thank you for any advice .

07-01-16, 07:58
Never heard of that....sounds terrible!

Could it be a variant of intrusive thoughts?

07-01-16, 14:59
Well, the fact you know it's happening shows it's probably to do with the anxiety. I could be wrong, but people who have psychosis do not know they are going "mad", where as you have noticed it and posted on a forum, so no, you're not going mad as such.

Might want to mention it to the doctor though.

10-01-16, 11:25
Hi guys this is my first post I've looked at a lot of the articles on here but found the courage to join and post. My anxiety first started 3 years ago when my 7 week old baby was admitted to hospital at this time I also found a lump on my breast and my husband had 2 planned non serious operations - I found 2 lumps in the space of six months and this kicked off the need to constantly check myself sometimes up to 10 times a day leaving myself sore and bruised under the skin, numerous visits to the Dr and she picked up something wasn't quite right and asked me what I'm afraid of and the answers simple my mom died suddenly at 50 ny fear is I will die young and my 3 children will be left without a mom - my current anxiety attack started in October no real reason I just felt myself feeling a bit edgy and it spiraled was sick every morning churning upset tummy felt shaking and on edge stomach pains all over all id had previous was a cold which had caused some breast pain - anyway Dr was pretty sure it was all anxiety related but reffered me for bloods and an ultra sound - panic ensured as I was convinced something was wrong scan day came and I was told everything was fine althou I have polysystic overies (I new this thou) however my bloods came back with stars against them my liver function was raised and was my sedimentaion rate so repeat bloods were necessary - also a stool sample too - all this is happening at beginibg of December my fear I wud get bad news at Xmas as that wen we always have a tough time, my stool sample came back positive for blood so had to repeat it and of course google just tells u its one cancer or another anyway second sample cane back fine and so did bloods however I'm still getting pressure headache initally they were at the back of my head base of neck and felt like someone was pushing my head down had them most days but didn take any medication, the pain would move around my head be at the top or on the one side, a good friend of mine said she experienced the same when her anxiety flaires up, I'm still having these pressure pains now on top of head maybe only 3 finger tips in size but occasional shooting pains and pain over one eye I've now convinced myself I mist have a brain tumor my hands feel wobbly at tomes althou if u hold my hands out they don't move I feel shakey light headed some times too - I have a busy life work part time and have three children aged 9 7 3 the older 2 argue constantly and spend my life playing referee so stress is present in my life, I've just started seeing a counsiller who has asked me to keep a diary but its these pressure headache that are concerning me is it just anxiety? Any comments welcome xx