View Full Version : collar bone woes and lymphoma fear

07-01-16, 08:00
I went to the dr a few weeks ago because I had painful groin lymph nodes on the right. She wasn't concerned, ordered blood tests and said probably viral. They are pea sized and the pain is mild and comes and goes.
Blood test was all normal except for mildly elevated thyroid antibodies. Thyroid function is normal. Dr said I could go for an ultrasound if i was worried, which of course i was. It took about five minutes and the tech didn't say much.i did notice a lot of yellow for the blood flow but it looked like three red dots when she took the picture. and I had mentioned to the dr that i have a couple of nodes in my neck and under my chin and above the right collar bone. She didn't seem worried and said i am thin and that could be why.
I have been stressing about the collar bone node but not fully panicking because it is small, pea sized, has been there for a few months without getting bigger and very easily moves...until now. I was putting off going back for the ultrasound report and hoping maybe if there is inflammation in my thyroid that would be a benign explanation for the collar bone node. Yesterday i lay down and felt around behind it and found what i think is a bigger lump right behind my collar bone and now i am really scared. The area around it feels swollen and there is a kind of firm lump deep in behind the collar bone that I can feel if I push my shoulders right back and poke around. there are little areas above and below the collar bone near the lymph node that hurt now and then, especially if I lift something. Feeling short of breath today, but hoping it is just panic. Have an appointment tomorrow and am planning to come straight out and say I am terrified of lymphoma and hope it gets better.