View Full Version : My Story..

07-01-16, 11:33

I hope I'm not breaking any rules with this thread but my names Chris. I'm 25 years old and have been suffering with anxiety for around 10 years. I started a blog a couple of days ago which will be updated regularly about me and my experiences - in the hope to help others.

chrisjphillips.weebly.com/ (http://chrisjphillips.weebly.com/)

I'm passionate about this as I'm a fellow sufferer which when I look back to the beginning, have come a long long way and I hope my story can help.

Thank you

10-01-16, 01:04

14-01-16, 12:44
My blog has been updated with the latest post. Hope it helps.

14-01-16, 15:54
Thanks for sharing! Marking to come back later to read. :) I agree, peer support is invaluable and this forum and other connections have really helped me so far in feeling like I have people to talk to about my anxiety. Like you, 26 and have been dealing with HA since around the age of 12.

20-01-16, 08:20
I hope my blog can help you and others. Anxiety is one of the worst feelings possible and unless you suffer with it, it's very difficult to explain to others. Raising awareness is key and I hope I can help :) it's a tough old world we live in but we've just got to bite our tongue and get on with it - as hard as it may seem.

20-01-16, 10:18
depression IMO is worse than anxiety.

21-01-16, 16:00
Urusainaa, you might be right but I don't suffer with depression so I don't know how it feels. I can only comment on my own personal suffering with anxiety. Any kind of mental health is truly awful.