View Full Version : Liver worries

07-01-16, 12:34
Hey all,

Recently I have been having a hard time with anxiety, along with some pretty severe back pain as a result of a work injury. I've been taking panadeine extra and panadeine forte (both 500mg paracetamol per tablet) almost every day to deal with the pain. I've been doing this for about 5 months now, but I've never taken higher than the recommended dose (no more than 8 per day).

Last week however, I had taken 2 panadeine extras and suddenly had some chest pain and right upper back pain. I immediately thought heart attack and panicked, but ended up taking an antacid and fell asleep. My chest pain subsides, but the pain in my back did not. It feels deep and nagging, while its not constant it does get worse with movement. I've also been having some nausea for the past few weeks. Along with headaches. I googled my symptoms (I know, I shouldn't have) and Cirrohsis of the liver came up. I obviously freaked out and panicked, gave myself a pretty bad headache and started feeling sick. So now I'm convinced I've damaged my liver or something. I never overdosed or abused the medication crazily, the worst thing I did was take 8 a day 3 days straight (honestly so stupid, I can't believe how dumb I was but I was in pain and not thinking) all I can think about is my mum and not wanting to leave her, or becoming sick with liver failure and dying slowly or painfully. I'm 16, I have so much to do these next few weeks I don't want to be anxious or sick. I am trying to see my GP, but they're pretty booked out for the week. Is it worth seeing an emergency doctor? The pain in my back I would describe as moderate and coming and going, and it does spread a bit into my side. Also, I heard the liver heals itself sometimes? Sorry for rambling, I'm in a state of panic right now but any answers or words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated right now...thank you xx