View Full Version : Introduction

07-01-16, 16:44

I'm new to this forum, I found it whilst searching in desperation for everything and anything I could find about this horrible condition.

I've had IBS for about two years now, started after a dose of particularly nasty antibiotics. It had been well under control with a combination of twice daily mebeverine and fibogel. Unfortunately around august of last year it started to get worse. And worse. It's now at the point where I can barely leave the house. I'm writing this as I sit at home ill from work, something which really gets me down as I swore I would never let this affect work, but after a particularly bad episode yesterday where I felt I could barely leave the bathroom I just needed to recover.
I've been upped to three mebeverine daily and until yesterday was taking Mintec which I had to stop because it was causing me pain. This doesn't seem to be working though. It's just getting worse and worse. have a combination of both D and C which gives me horrible cramps one minute then urgency the next.
IBS is ruining my life. I've started having what I can only describe as panic attacks and the thought of having to go out fills me with dread. I'm worried I'm ruining my partner's life as he stays in with me a lot of the time.
I've tried limiting what I eat (which can be difficult as a vegetarian who loves cheese and chocolate and tea!) but I've not yet been able to pinpoint any particular causes.
I know this will sound familiar to a lot of people. I'm not really sure what happens on this site. I'm just at a real low point where outside fills me with panic and I desperately need help. Surely it gets better?

Sam Winter
07-01-16, 16:59
hey and :welcome:to the forum!
i'm so sorry to hear that you are a fellow sufferer of ibs too, i hope youfind this forum helpful and if you need any help getting around or just need someone to talk to give me a message x