View Full Version : can't cope with this anymore

07-01-16, 18:15
So, I'm convinced I have pancreatic cancer. I have many of the symptoms. All I have been doing for the last few days is crying and worrying. I don't know how I can deal with this its ruining my life. Sitting here crying, I just want to run away

07-01-16, 18:32
I feel the same at the moment with my asbestos exposure worry. I do know how to cope yet! You are not alone x

07-01-16, 19:16
Thanks cbear. It's such a struggle. I am missing out on precious time with my little children stressing about my health and I wish I could stop because even if I do have cancer there's no point being upset I would just have to make the most of the time left instead of crying all the time about it.

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I'm seeing a specialist tomorrow but not hopeful they will be able to help.

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Sorry to hear you are struggling too cbear. Sending cyber hugs

07-01-16, 19:21
Same boat here ! Seems to be no matter what I post only a few people are willing to listen ! Really struggling at the moment :(
But be assured people are listening to you both , and I'm sure it's just anxiety messing with us all ! Talking reassures me sometimes , can't bottle things up

07-01-16, 19:27
Thanks for replying easey. I'm always here to chat if you need to offload. Health anxiety sucks :-(

07-01-16, 19:37
It is rubbish! I too am missing out on time with my 2 year old and I ruined my family
It so hard to think rationally about things x

07-01-16, 19:48
Telling me :( constant worry ! Feeling like no one understands ! People laugh because they don't know what it feels like ! Same to you if any one needs a chat I'm here :) even if it seems silly I'll listen !

07-01-16, 19:54
I'm always convinced I'm going to have a blood clot/PE/melanoma. Not having a good time with it right now either. Sitting here worrying myself sick while everyone else in my house just goes on as normal. I wish I could do that. Sometimes I can, but too often this happens.

07-01-16, 20:03
I swear my husband is on the verge of divorcing me over this, he just can't understand why I feel like this. My children have probably picked up on my anxiety too. Feel so guilty like I'm ruining not just my life but everyone else's too.

07-01-16, 20:18
I totally understand. My HA recently kicked off after finding a prolapse after giving birth to my daughter in July. I had low down cramping pains in my back, abdomen and the dragging feeling in the lady bits. After getting it diagnosed, I still worried about issues like ovarian, cervical and bowel cancer and have forked out about £350 on a private scan and female health assessment. I've also been to the doctors about ten times since September! Before that, in the last three years, I've only been about twice about minor issues (ie tonsillitus). I feel like the doctors must feel I'm nuts - I certainly think my poor husband does.

My new think is my throat problems which has been going on about three/four weeks. Started off as an anxiety swallowing thing (following the prolapse stuff - which has really settled down by the way) and burping thing. Has led on to an on/off tender throat and on/off lump in throat feeling. It's making me feel so anxious,I can hardly concentrate on anything. I know I'm making the anxiety symptoms worse but I can't help it. I feel I'm letting my family down. I've been to two doctors who say my throat is fine (although they didn't do the tube down the throat thing) but I still seek reassurance. I don't want to bug the doctors again but it's like a compulsion.

I just want to get back where I was before September; calm and rational and happy.

07-01-16, 20:43
I want to go back 3 weeks ago- not sure where this worry about asbestos came from! I have now gone through our whole cottage and my exposure over the last 4 years. From scraping artex beams and chasing electrics!
I have convinced myself I am going to get mesothelioma and die in 10-30
Years! I cannot stop crying! I have seem a private lung doctor who said I
At no more risk than the general population but can not say never to anyone! So of course I have convinced myself I am that one :(
I am now seeking more private reassurance although not sure what will help me!
It very depressing and really taking over my life.
I want to go back 3 weeks!! Happy and looking forward to Christmas!