View Full Version : struggling feel like I'm at wits end!

07-01-16, 22:02
Hi all

For over a week now I've been having numbness in my left arm opposite side of the forearm which was enough too get the anxiety wheels in motion...numb fingertips (mostly middle 3 fingers) ..pins and needles...pain in fingers and hand almost like joint pain..stiff neck..poor sleep quality...But these symptoms i was experiencing were without having a panic attack :shrug: so i made an appointment for the gp too discuss this and had too wait over a week due too Christmas and new year i was close too going to a&e, then the panic attacks started one after another leaving me beyond exhausted!

This morning was the day of the appointment so i try too wake up too find myself suffering from an episode of sleep paralysis which I've experienced before but still scared the crap out of me que panic attack and too add to that my fiancee took both sets of house keys locking me in by accident and i had too cancel the appointment and make a new one which isn't until Monday now...this has taken so much out of me that I'm literally debilitated and isolated.. I vent this out because if i don't offload I'm gonna go mad... and i ask anyone if they could shed light on these symptoms at the top of the thread.

I'd really appreciate it and thank you for reading this :hugs:


---------- Post added at 22:02 ---------- Previous post was at 21:14 ----------

Anyone experienced similar symptoms??

07-01-16, 23:13
Hi Petesy.

Think it is all down to Anxiety symptoms as I have very similar.
I am very stressed, anxious and exhausted at the moment and every day the stress and worry seems to get worse. I am having panic attacks everyday at the moment and body symptoms that leave me puzzled. My panic attacks are clearly that, but I seem to have more pain, jolts, tingles, vibrations and so on without the panic attack.

I have had a series of events that has pushed my Anxiety up again. A few months ago I was 80% improved and now I feel I have dropped back to around 40%.
I have got to the point where I just can't relax anymore and my health anxiety is through the roof.

I get the pins and needles a lot and the numbness in the arm and would you believe the elbow. Sometimes a sharp pain when moving my arm or hand.
I've had this on and off for a long time, but it is worse when my anxiety is high.

I've seem others experience these symptoms too.
I know what's going through your head, but I think you can put it down to Anxiety.
You are doing the right thing in seeing a GP anyway, because you need to hear those words; everything is ok! :)