View Full Version : I am really losing the well. Very frightened

07-01-16, 22:16

Surprise surprise, I'm petrified again. I don't know what to do to help myself anymore. I am living each day as it comes but I'm completely agonised by my thought processes and terrifying intrusive thoughts. I'm trying methods but I can't shake them off at all and they are making my existence miserable. I constantly feel ill at ease and have a ball of fear in my stomach always. I can't enjoy anything fully and feel completely undeserving of enjoyment due to the thoughts that perpetuate my brain. I feel i am a psychotic lunatic to think such things and scare myself frequently and don't want to be in ny own head. I really really want to sort this because my future is currently filled with dread and nothing seems to have any point anymore.

I'm really really at a loose end and am done with this disabling illness.

Any help would be hugely appreciated.


07-01-16, 22:54
What's on your mind?