View Full Version : Wheezing constantly

07-01-16, 23:06
Good evening everyone,

I've been having a rough time over the last few weeks, just really looking for somewhere to talk about it all.

For about 10 days now i've been suffering from a constant wheeze. It's been the cause of quite a few panic attacks. I've been getting really worked up that it's something serious, googling my symptoms etc and the other day i decided to see my doctor about it because i am asthmatic and was quite concerned.

My doctor listened to my breathing with a stethoscope and said it all sounded fine to him. We also checked my peak flow and it was good. He said he was satisfied and sent me on my way with no real explanation as to what it might be. It's just really unnerving me now because it won't go away. I've been coughing up a little bit of mucus but i don't feel like i have a cold or anything. It's been 11 days and it is SO debilitating. I'm scared to do any exercise in case it gets worse and i've been off work for the last two days because i've been getting so worked up.

I wish i could just give you all a big hug. :hugs:

07-01-16, 23:20
Hiya :) I've been through this recently. I wasn't even wheezing that bad, but because I had noticed it I was playing it up in my mind. A few times I woke up in the night thinking that I couldn't breathe which then caused more anxiety and panic. Maybe your body has done a really good job at fighting off a full blown cold which is why you've only experienced couching up mucus.

Hope you feel better soon.

08-01-16, 13:54
Hi. I had this same problem and also suffer from Asthma. It's a constant wheeze that never goes away. Had all the tests; peak flow, spirometry etc and all were normal. When my GP analysed the spirometry results he said (AND DON'T PANIC HERE :) it looked like emphysema. After that my asthma got worse and I started having quite severe asthma attacks. I didn't believe what my GP had said as I did 20 miles a week fell running without losing breath. I contacted a lung specialist who asked if I was stressed all the time? On answering yes she said that increasing numbers of people are having this problem and it's caused by hyperventilating (over breathing). It's a condition that is becoming more recognised by he NHS. Type "hyperventilation syndrome" into google. You over breath without realising your doing it. This causes your bronchials to close up in your lungs. You have to retrain your breathing using techniques such as Buteyko. It takes a few months of will power to get totally right but my wheeze cleared up after two weeks and my asthma attacks are greatly reduced and far less frequent. Good luck. Remember, it's not a quick fix and takes time.

08-01-16, 21:36
Thanks for the support guys, I really appreciate it :)

I'm feeling a bit more optimistic today. I'm still wheezing but there seems to be a little bit of improvement. I'm still coughing up mucus and when I do it tends to ease the wheezing a bit. We have had 5 people in our office off sick because of a bad cold that's going around, so maybe it's something to do with that. Who knows? If I keep having problems in a week or so I'll be cautious and go back to my GP again. All I can do now is just keep smiling and stay positive. Thanks again guys :)