View Full Version : Chest tightness, heart worries

08-01-16, 07:09
This is somewhat of a documentation if anything but I am looking for assurance and supportsupport.

Last week I had two high BP readings of 157/103 and 165/108. Ever since, my anxiety has sky rocketed. I started a new job and it has been micromanaging and stressful. I've had plenty of instances of chest, shoulder, back, neck, jaw, arm pain. And tonight I was nauseous after some Applebee's and a bit of shoulder pain.

I was planning to work out (I have been walking daily for 30 to 60 min at a time) but decided I was too tired after I got home. I sat down and the nausea started. I flew into panic mode and said I need to go to the ER. Almost cried. I don't want that. So then the left side of the brain kicked in and said, either stay here and stew about it or go work out. I decided to pace myself out of the house and over to the gym where I started light walking. Immediately felt a stiffness and tightness in my chest. Stopped and almost cried again. Surely this is happening, and at 28 1/2 years old no less. Decided to face my fear and say no more panic. No more panic. I did 40 minutes of brisk walking and ignored the pain, and it went away. I feel great!

I had an ekg done last summer that turned out clear and a zio patch that also turned out clear. Of course now my panic says did it miss something or is that result still valid?

Anyone else deal with these things? Chest pains can be scary.

08-01-16, 15:37
Chest pain and tightness = classic anxiety.

I went to the gym on Wednesday and felt really out of breath and I freaked out, thinking I have a lung problem or heart problem. I have been worried about doing any exercise ever since but deep down I know its far more likely to be anxiety. I have been under some major stress recently.. :(

08-01-16, 19:43
Chest pain is correlated to anxiety, most definitely! I had it a while ago when I was at work, my chest began to really hurt and had to get ecg and blood tests at hospital, which all came out normal! But still feel absolutely terrified. Is it cold where you are? Sometimes you may have a viral or bacterial infection brewing which can cause it, too

08-01-16, 21:48
Hi Jared,

Glad to see that the brisk walking helped. If I had to write down every time I got chest pains because of anxiety I could write a book, haha ;) It's awful when you have to go to the ER too - I've had that twice myself for chest pains and it's so stressful. It's nice to see tests come back clear, but it's such a traumatic experience waiting for so long in the ER waiting area because before getting the all clear your mind thinks so many things.

The EKG is a very reliable test when it comes to any problems with your heart. Since it's come back clear, there are a fair amount of things that can be ruled out. Because you also did the zio patch that should further solidify that your heart rhythms are totally normal. :) If you have done an echo and the results were good, you can repeat it every 3-5 years, so with it only being 6 months you're okay on that front too.

Sending hugs :hugs: