View Full Version : Coming up to a year and its back..

23-02-07, 19:21
Hey guys,
My panic anxiety started last april..started with feelings of going crazy/schizophrenic..then dp and dr and a host of other things...i paid for cbt and it seemed to have worked...i left work for six months and eventually tried doing the things i wanted to do like travel...was frightening for me. i went to india and talked myself down from panic on at least 2 occasions and i survived..i was so proud of the fact that i managed to get away on my own..i'm back here in London now and wham..
its back..sense of losing control is rearing its head again..what does this mean? am i going to live with this and why is it happening again..i feel as if i'm back into the prison of fear...has anyone else thought they've overcome this thing and been brought back down..i was a regular on this site and it really helped me through..am back again

23-02-07, 19:41
hi mate

1st of all, was being nosey and checked out your website, very cool pics, impressive.

I had a period of a year or so in between bad times. I got better, then had a panic attack one day, then I dwelled on the panic and ended up at square 1 again.

It was then I decided to go all out and research and try everything I could. Unfortunately, CBT was not available in my area (and I am Scottish, so didn't want to pay ;), thats a joke, I don't want the SNP after me). But I did start reading Claire Weekes books, and read a lot about exercise, diet and anxiety, and the link between these factors.

To cut a long story short, I started to accept anxiety (this alone seemed to make the attacks less and less), joined a gym, although any exercise is good, and just tried to eat better.

I would not say I am completely cured, if there is such a thing, lets face it, anxiety is a human trait, but I find life easier these days.

I do still struggle with travel though, even though I have travelled a lot in the past. Thats probably my one last hurdle.

You done well travelling alone with anxiety, shows a lot of spirit.

So in summary, try not to be too dis-heartened, if you have not read Claire Weekes books (hope and help for your nerves is one), she goes into detail with what she terms as "setback". And don't be fooled by setback, its temporary, you have come through the bad times once, and you will again.

Good luck chap


23-02-07, 21:04

This happened to me a few years ago, I went travelling around south east asia and had a fantastic time, but when I got back it was horrific, I was pretty much homeless, penniless and unsure of what I was going to do with my life.
I felt completely detached from reality, extremely anxious and I almost lost the plot back then.
It was only when I got more stability in my life, a job, a flat and a routine that things started to improve.
I now find that my mental health is better served with routine and stability, it's sad that I'll never really be able to just give up my job and go off travelling now, but it's something I've accepted.
Even now at times of uncertainty in my life, I feel those first familiar twinges of anxiety and I then know what I must do.
Eat and sleep well hun, excercise, surround yourself with people who care for you, accept the feelings you have, don't fight them, they will pass, honestly!
Good Luck
Birdi xxx

23-02-07, 21:14

Its very usual to feel unsettled and more scared of being back that when away travelling. I used to be like that all the time and often just came back for a week or so before taking off again and that was long before anxiety and panic.

I think its often to do with ' so what now ?' You've had a fab time, done everything with anyone, anywhere and had no other responsibilities other than day to day minor safety ones.

When you touch down and the dust has settled, all sorts of expectations and responsibilities stare you in the face and so many choices and needs and restrictions seem to be in your way of just being.

It's a very hard transition to make and London is not an easy place to take the time to think straight when everyone round you seems focussed and keeps asking what you're going to do.

Take your time, examine what these thoughts you're having are really about and how you can address and silence them one by one.

24-02-07, 10:56
i agree with what everyone said....its a bummer but ive learnt that my GA is just who I am and setbacks are part of it...I treat it like a 'special scar'and try not to dwell on setbacks as I starts the cycle of anxiety and depression.

Also your're right, I too need routine and rather than let that bother me I think to myself things could be worse

24-02-07, 22:52
thanks for the perspective guys...appreciate the time you put in to reply..i will check out claire weeks' book...yea i guess i am finding it difficult to adjust to routine again and to be honest i dont think i have the enthusiasm or motivation for work..its about relearning how i fought of the panic/anxiety last time..
oh thanks for the comment on the pics jac!
