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08-01-16, 10:05
Hi I posted under the blood test section about my thyroid blood test results as the doctor wanted to send me for a scan and I was panicking.

Also I'm having problems with my back.

It started in December. Sciatica like pain down my leg. Went to physio and when no better went to gp who prescribed me painkillers. It was so sore and radiating all down my leg ended up in a&e. They prescribed different meds and sent me for xray where they noted sacroilitis. They referred me for physio and physio told me to get bloods done to rule out any inflammation diseases. While I was getting bloods done just asked for thyroid bloods to be done too as suffered with underactive on and off. So I get a letter to go back to gp regarding bloods. All She Was Concerned about Was The Thyroid. On the letter she wrote for the referral she said ESR was 20. Know I dont know if that is in terms of thyroid or sacroilitis. Does anyone have any experience with sacroiliitis. Should I have a esr of 20 with this or does anyone know anything about it in terms of thyroid. I'm beginning to get really worried about it all. Also I had gone to my gp a couple of months back wondering if my thyroid was out of sync and she wouldnt check it as said it was only checked a year ago. I was concerned over ear pain and pain in my neck and my hair was falling out and my periods were irregular. She didn't seem concerned. I also got hormones test done but I don't know what and they were fine. I nevery went follow up a few months back on the ear pain and it went ut now I'm concerned about thyroid cancer and in case I left it and the esr level whether it's related to the back pain sacroilitis or thyroid. Is anyone has any info om either could they help.
I've google so much now I have myself in a state.

12-01-16, 14:02
I just wondering if anyone can help. I've been back at physio and they said the sacroilitis which is inflammation is I my left hip whereas I'm experiencing pain in my right so she isn't sure. I'm been referred to a women's health physio in terms of back pain but I'm panicking in case I could have some type of inflammation type disease. My esr is 20 does anyone know if this is high. I'm a 36 year old woman.

Also waiting for an appt regarding my thyroid been underactive. I've just recently started on 100 electroxin and I'm on difene and tramadol and I'm waking up in the middle of the night sweating which is concerning g me.

I'm just wondering if anyone can allay my fears regarding
The sweating at night with the meds I'm on and an esr of 20 and been borderline anemic an inflammation in my joints but all the rest of the bloods are fine. Doctor was just concerned about thyroid and anemia and that is it. Should I be worried.

12-01-16, 14:10
I just wondering if anyone can help. I've been back at physio and they said the sacroilitis which is inflammation is I my left hip whereas I'm experiencing pain in my right so she isn't sure. I'm been referred to a women's health physio in terms of back pain but I'm panicking in case I could have some type of inflammation type disease. My esr is 20 does anyone know if this is high. I'm a 36 year old woman.

Also waiting for an appt regarding my thyroid been underactive. I've just recently started on 100 electroxin and I'm on difene and tramadol and I'm waking up in the middle of the night sweating which is concerning g me.

I'm just wondering if anyone can allay my fears regarding
The sweating at night with the meds I'm on and an esr of 20 and been borderline anemic an inflammation in my joints but all the rest of the bloods are fine. Doctor was just concerned about thyroid and anemia and that is it. Should I be worried.

Crinkle - I am not sure if you read your other thread on your bloods, but I did already answer the ESR level question for you there - 20 is within the normal ranges..xx

12-01-16, 19:30
Debs71 thanks for your reply. Sorry I had only gone back to check and seen your reply Thank you. I'm just in an awful state here. I suffer with HA and all this is just sending it through the roof. I'm in terrible pain with my right hip but my left hip is showing signs of sacroilitis but gp said nothing inflamatory showing up in bloods but I'm terrified I have some type of arthritis. I'm specifically thinking of ankylosing spondylitis. Do you know can you have sacroilitis but no other arthritis type illness with it. I'm just scared with been anemic too and now with the night sweats. Did you get tested to make sure nothing else was going on.

12-01-16, 22:05
Hi Crinkle,

Yep, you sure can have Sacroilitis and no inflammatory/arthritic thing going on.

That has been the case for me. I had a whole load of blood tests when I had my thyroid lump to see if I had any kind of automimmune issues - including rheumatoid arthritis - but nothing showed up. No inflammatory stuff....zilch.

I didn't have any other tests in terms of bloods when I initially saw the doctor about my hip pain, I just was sent for the x-ray of my hips. I really, really was convinced it was a hip joint issue, as the pain I had was horrendous there, especially when laying on each hip in bed, so I was staggered when they told me it was my lumbar spine that was the issue.

So what is the plan for you now, hun? I was basically told to take anti-inflammatory pain relief if needed, and they gave me the option of having physio or not, which amazed me!!! I was thinking 'well of course I would like some bloody physio if it will help with this!!' and wondered why they hadn't just automatically referred me, but I guess these days that is par for the course!

Don't be scared about the anaemia. Anaemia can be treated and addressed. I think it sounds like you are just scared that this is all happening at one time for you - your anaemia and your pains.

As far as night sweats go, I have issues with sweating too, and have had night sweats on and off. I also sweat like hell in public, things like when out shopping, and my impression is that this is a nervous system thing and yep.....good old anxiety as usual.

Keep your chin up and try not to worry.xxx:hugs:

13-01-16, 16:01
Debs71 thanks you so much for your help. My health anxiety is going through the roof at the minuts. I could really do with going back to my gp but cant afford to keep running to gp every time in anxious. Basically I have to get my bloods repeated in a month to see my thyroid and the esr levels. The physio in the hospital is sending me to a women's physio as I have problems with tummy muscles too.

But it's just every time I Google I have myself convinced all those symptoms apply to me. I'm worried because I have sacroilitis on my left side but on my right is where I'm feeling the pain but I did have surgery on that hip years ago so maybe it's just linked to that. But I'd also been suffering with stiffness upon waking before all this happened but it wasn't long term and pains in my heels so when I put it all together it seems like ankylosing spondylitis and that terrifies me as with four kids couldn't imagine living in that pain all the time. I'm just scared of my future. I just want to be healthy and fit.
My husband said to me last night that I'm always thinking I was some big health issue. Whatever it is I'm just convinced and think I have it. I just dont know how to move on from it.
Now I'm convinced I have pains in my back neck joints etc but don't know when I read something do I feel those pains afterwards.
Although a few weeks before my hip started I did have aches and pains in my joints everywhere. But then I was hypothyroid and I didn't know so maybe it was that. How long was till you felt better.

13-01-16, 18:02
No problem at all hun.

It does sound like you are on the right track with this. Physio helped me hugely, but i have been quite naughty. I had 6 weeks of physio, and they sent me away with a list of exercises to regularly do at home and to be honest, I have hardly done them. I'm such a lazy oaf, lol.

But I know that I absolutely feel better when I do them.

I felt better within a week of having the physio, and then doing the exercises every day at home between appointments. It was really amazing. I had more mobility in my spine and the pain in my hips had all but gone.

The major problem I am finding now is that -just as they advised - the exercises need to be kept up, as I am experiencing the hip pains again when laying in bed and have to keep turning over all night, so not much sleep either. :( However I do have this sacralization abnormailty in my lumbar area, so I am not sure if that is creating the issues in the main.

Crinkle, I am wondering if you are experiencing referred pain on your right side? i was told that you can feel the pain either side as the muscles extend out from both sides of the spine to the hips, and because of the inflammation, the muscles are over compensating, hence the pain in the hip areas.

I started off having one sided hip pain - my right hip. I then started to feel pain in my left hip.

Please try not to worry about AS. Nothing inflammatory showed in your bloods, so that does not indicate AS, from what I know. Your joint and other pains may also be related to just general aches and pains and fatigue, both from the sacroillitis and the stress and anxiety going on for you.

Hang in there! xxx:hugs: