View Full Version : Charlie 81

23-02-07, 20:20
Hi people

was given this site by a support group-just thought i'd take a look. Going through a bit of a bad time of late and would just like to know that i'm not alone or some kind of weirdo really!!!

23-02-07, 20:41
Hi Charlie

Welcome to the site, sorry you have been having a bad time, but you will get loads of help and support here

Take care

Barb xxxxxx

23-02-07, 23:06
Hi Charlie,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

24-02-07, 11:01
Hi Charlie81 welcome im new here aswell so your in good company and we are all here for the same reasons.


24-02-07, 12:27
Elo Charlie,

Welcome to the site..great support n advice here..glad to have ya on board x

24-02-07, 13:34

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends,

Take care

Trac xx

Wendie j
24-02-07, 15:53
Im new aswell so welcoming another "newbie",im sure there will be lots of support for you here, look forward to chatting.

Wendie j

24-02-07, 16:18
:welcome: Charlie.

You'll find lots of support here and lots of information to read.

Have a wonder round the site and post more if or when you feel ready to.


26-02-07, 12:59
Hi Charlie

A warm welcome aboard.

You will meet some lovely caring people on here and get loads of support so hope we can be of some help to you as well.

26-02-07, 13:53
Hi And Wlecome Charlie