View Full Version : Chest tightness worries...feels like it'll never go away.

08-01-16, 14:51
Hey all

I'll hold my hands up; I don't post on here very often, but lately my anxiety has completely flared up and I just wanted to seek solace in a place where people get what I'm going through.

I have a horrible tightness in my chest. It's not painful and it doesn't feel like squeezing or anything, it just feels like there's a permanent wheeze which doesn't crackle, but just lingers there. I have asthma and have the urge to take my reliever and this helps for 5 mins and then the feeling comes back.

Now I am overweight, but I am doing something about it. I have lost three stone at Weight Watchers and I am back to class tomorrow after the Christmas break. I am not going to kid myself on, I know I have put weight on and I am wondering if psychologically, I am feeling bad about it, this in turn is making my anxiety worse and bang, I am presented with this tight chest feeling.

Anyone else experienced anything similar? Just looking for some comfort really :)

18-01-16, 10:46
Mine is more scary, I am having a severe dull chest pain(left-central), it synchronizes with my heartbeat/pulse. It also radiates to my upper left back. I am very worried if this is heart related or lungs or just because of my IBS.

21-01-16, 03:21
Yes, daily and in my mid to upper back as well. Chest/back tension is one of my primary symptoms that sets me off into my downward spiral and I believe its because I shallow breath/chest breath when standing during periods of heightened anxiety. Sitting or laying down so I can properly belly breath alleviates it, helps even more if you do something to keep you distracted. Point is to naturally belly breath without concentrating on breathing which may in itself cause your anxiety to flare. You may find that your chest discomfort diminishes drastically as those muscles relax. I'd suggest the same to you if you dont already do it.

Anxiety and Panic cause all sorts of health symptoms. Address the issues to be on the safe side and give yourself a boost of reassurance but for the most part they're side-effects.