View Full Version : Insomnia on citalopram :(

08-01-16, 17:28
Not sure if this is the right spot for this but wanting to get others ideas about insomnia as I am really battling with this right now :(

Just started week 4 citalopram (3rd week at 20mg) and feeling exhausted, which makes my overall anxiety worse.

I have zopiclone which does get me off to sleep but only for 3-4 hours (maybe a little more if I'm lucky). The GP tried me on olanzapine to help with this and it appeared to work for the first week and then I was still waking up in the small hours and feeling very anxious/horrible so we have decided to stop this one as no point taking something that doesn't help.

I'm kinda beside myself with this now as thought the side effects of the citalopram should have settled but still having constant symptoms of trembling, prickling skin, hot flashes and waves of anxiety failry consistently.

Any idea when this should ease?

08-01-16, 17:45
I think side effects should be gone by 4-6 weeks