View Full Version : Just can't get ahold of this health anxiety.

08-01-16, 18:33
So you will see that I have posted a lot about specific health worries. At the moment, I don't have anything specific so you would think I would be feeling good. I'm not. It is like I am looking for something to worry about. Assessing my body, checking things, feeling the inside of my mouth for abnormalities, doing exams etc. I do cbt, and I am on medication. I tell myself "today is a check free day" and try to encourage myself to just have a good day and not to try to find or assess anything. Has anyone else struggled with this before and what have you said to yourself to get out of it?

Really need some advice.

08-01-16, 19:43
Hi, I feel like this when my anxiety strikes. I go through phases where I can live a normal life (in regards to anxiety, I still feel depressed though), I honestly believe the best thing to do when you don't have specific worries is just to try to keep occupied. As hard as that may be keeping busy really will take your mind off things. I like to watch TV programmes that I have watched since I was a child (not children's programmes) as it brings me comfort. It also helps if you can have a laugh and get a sense of normalcy. Don't fret over CBT not working. I had 16 sessions twice and would say it didn't help much at all. My homework was silly things like walk for 5 miles, alone. That was just one daft example. Have you tried counselling? Do you have anyone who you're familiar with to talk to? My partner isn't very supportive but it's nice to get things off my chest and he does (at least pretend) to listen. Health anxiety is hellish and unfortunately the only way I have overcome fears in the past is to gain reassurance. Its not ideal but in most cases that fear is eradicated once I have been told by a GP I'm fine.

08-01-16, 19:44
Oh it's hard! A friend who has been supporting me through my current crisis has reminded me that I am a person who almost has to have something to worry about and if there isn't anything I will find something!

Try one day at a time 'check free' and give yourself a big pat on the back when you achieve it. Each day you don't check and nothing bad happens is reinforcing that you are ok :)