View Full Version : FIVE-hour training session coming up soon...

08-01-16, 18:53
I've 'been volunteered' to attend a 5-hour training session to help with using the computer software. I know the basic skills, so after this workshop I should be a pro! I can't do it. What's worse is that my line manager said, "You can come in earlier in the morning too" to get my regular work done. I seriously start to flag after just TWO hours, am nearly collapsing at THREE hours and it gets worse the longer I do. But I just nodded, smiled and said "sure, no problem", because I always don't mind agreeing to do horrible things if they are in the future as I can forget about them immediately and pretend they don't exist. I take benzodiazepines during the day, and other drugs, which tire me out and drain my energy. Also it negatively affects my concentration, which is obviously ESSENTIAL in a workshop or training course. I wanna curl up under a large duvet and cosy fleece throw and sleep FOR EVER! Help! :-S

09-01-16, 21:33
Thanks to everyone who offered advice and support in my hour of need. It is greatly appreciated and I will never forget your generosity. :-)

10-01-16, 17:29
Haven't shaved for about two weeks. And it isn't a fashion statement. Though it's somewhat curious that my beard is blond, I mean more so than my hair on my head. Luckily beards are suddenly in fashion and so we (I assume I'm not the only lonely depressive) can get away with neglecting grooming, personal hygiene, and sleeping during any spare hours.

21-01-16, 18:08
It's tomorrow. I haven't shaved again for about two weeks so thank God stubbly beards are fashionable. I hope the trend has a long life and I hope someday unwashed, messy hair becomes fashionable, too. Just popped some bromazepam to chillax.

21-01-16, 21:03
Good luck with your training day tomorrow. Just think, only a few hours then you can breathe a sigh of relief that it's all over and enjoy your weekend without it hanging over you anymore.

22-01-16, 13:55
Hope I'm not too late!

I know how you feel! I have a few introduction days coming up, 8 hours each. It's next week but naturally, I'm dreading it already. What I try to do in these situations is just prepare well :) Meaning like, waking up on time, treating yourself to a really good breakfast and tea (usually coffee makes me feel even more on edge). And I always look forward to the aftermath: Calm, a fluffy blanket, hot cocoa and Netflix :)

22-01-16, 19:33
Hope I'm not too late!

I know how you feel! I have a few introduction days coming up, 8 hours each. It's next week but naturally, I'm dreading it already. What I try to do in these situations is just prepare well :) Meaning like, waking up on time, treating yourself to a really good breakfast and tea (usually coffee makes me feel even more on edge). And I always look forward to the aftermath: Calm, a fluffy blanket, hot cocoa and Netflix :)

Well, it went as well as 4 mg clonazepam could make it go. I even asked a few questions and my line manager dropped by for 10 minutes and announced (well, commented) that I was an "expert" at X and Y parts of the software and, being English, civilised, and always understated, I replied, "Well, I know a little about it" (I always look adorable when I'm modest). OK, I enjoyed the compliment. Then I had a "bathroom break" (love Americans calling them bathrooms even if it is just a latrine dug in the dirt) which is a code word for clonazepam break, and then returned. I made many pages of notes which are now barely legible and tomorrow will look like Chinese... and then it was dark and cold and the weekend (I work tomorrow, too, but pain in my broken clavicle may mean I have to stay home tomorrow).

---------- Post added at 19:33 ---------- Previous post was at 19:31 ----------

Good luck with your training day tomorrow. Just think, only a few hours then you can breathe a sigh of relief that it's all over and enjoy your weekend without it hanging over you anymore.

I'm supposed to work tomorrow. See my previous post.

23-01-16, 02:08
I'm glad your day went better than your anxiety made it seem (I always hate that afterwards). If I could know beforehand that things wouldn't be so bad, I would do better on so many levels.

Well, if you end up staying home, recover well :)

23-01-16, 09:46
I'm glad your day went better than your anxiety made it seem (I always hate that afterwards). If I could know beforehand that things wouldn't be so bad, I would do better on so many levels.

Well, if you end up staying home, recover well :)

No, I like dressing up smart, so I'm going to work today.